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I don't know why I came, im not really a fan of big parties and frankly everyone here was a jackass. yet here I am.

My roommate had asked me to go with him because he didn't want to go alone. I really couldn't say no to him, besides I don't have anything to do today so I went. I regret.

The moment I stepped inside the house the party was at I lost my roommate in the crowd and someone was shoving a red Solo cup in my hands. I put off drinking the drink I was handed for the longest time, but eventually I got thirsty.

Bringing the cup to my face I give it a sniff. It smells like cheap alcohol and regret. Fitting. Grimacing I take a sip, nearly gaging as the liquid burns my throat. That was a bad idea, in minutes the world spins around me and the pulsing lights make my head throb. I don't think that's normal but I can't think straight enough to care.

I stumble away from the bright lights and towards a dark hallway where I can think a little better. Before I make it a hand grabs me and throws me face first against the wall. "Hello cutie" a strange voice slurs, the stench of alcohol radiates from behind me. I try to push off the wall and stand up straight again but I just get slammed in to the wall again, "where are you going? I wanna have some fun" the voice slurs again. "Get off me!" I growl, earning a slap to my ass. "Ow! Hey!" I yelp, the man behind me just laughs. "I wanna fuck you and rape your brains out until all you know is my cock" he snarls, clenching my ass. Shuddering I try once again to escape, only to be thrown on the ground and having him sit on me so I can't escape. I hear him unzipping his pants before another person clears there throat.

"What's going here?" A voice asks, making the man on top of me pause. "Oh uh, nothing Gabriel. You know how it is" he chuckles nervously. "Please help" I beg, trying to crawl away. "Care to tell me the truth or am I going to have to pry it from you?" The new man asks, his voice hostile and angry. "It's nothing, I just wanna to fuck this little whore. You wanna turn?" The man on top of me slurs, the stench of alcohol pouring from his mouth. He gropes my general crotch area, grabbing at the area and trying to make me hard. Yelping I struggle underneath him until he slams my head against the floor.

Growling in anger the man (who's name I think is Gabriel due to the conversation) throws my assailent against the wall. "You better leave and never come back or else I'm calling the cops!" He roars, throwing him in the general direction of the party. "Want me to escort 'im out?" A man in a cowboy hat asks, grabbing him by the upper arm. "Yes." Gabriel says, leaning over and scooping me into his arms. Grabbing a drink from a nearby table he raises it to my mouth, mumbling a thanks I take a swig of it,   coughing at the odd taste. He pushes the bottom of the cup up so im forced to drink the rest.

Groaning I struggle to stay awake, something about that drink wasn't right. I can't exactly focus on the subject though because whatever was in that drink combined with the way Gabriel is rubbing circles on my back is lulling me to sleep. "Shh shhh, it's ok, go to sleep. I'll make sure you're safe, promise" he soothes, moving from just rubbing small circles on my back to rubbing my entire back as a whole. He turns his back to the party, walking down the dark hallway. My eyes droop closed and my muscles go slack as I fall asleep in the arms of my savior.

When I open my eyes again I'm in a whole different room; it's well lit with a large bed in the center that I am currently lying on and a comfy looking hanging bubble chair with a sleek stand.next to both the bed and chair are small tables made of light colored wood.

With a creak the door to my right  opens up, revealing my savior from, well earlier. The room has no windows so I don't know exactly how long ago it was. Sitting up I stretch, clearing my eyes before looking up at him. "Good Morning jack" he says, sitting next to me on the bed. "Good morning, uh..." I trail off, I don't want to call him the wrong name. "Gabriel, my name is Gabriel but you can call me gabe" he says, cupping my cheek in his hand. Instinctively I nuzzle into his hand, earning a smile from Gabe.

"Do you like that?" He asks, rubbing circles on my cheek with his thumb. "Yeah" I answer meekly, embarressed to be receiving his attention. "Aren't you cute?" He muses, making me blush. "I bet you would love it if I stripped you down right now and kissed every inch of your body" he teases, leaning forward and kissing me lightly on the lips. "So cute and innocent" he mumbles, kissing and nipping up and down my neck. I make a small little "meep!" Sound that garners a laugh from Gabe. "That's exactly what I'm talking about" he says, pushing me down on the bed.

"H-hey!" I yelp, trying to sit back up. "What's wrong sweety?" He asks, helping me up. "I, I really wish I could, but I have to go home, my roommate must be worried sick!" I say, sighing. "Don't worry, I told him what happened and that you were staying over" he says, pulling the soft blanket over my shoulders. I rest my head on his shoulder, inhaling his seductive yet soothing and alluring scent.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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