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TODOROKI POV— I tossed and turned in my bed that night attempting to sleep, but I was starving. Let me explain, I was on a walk late at night and I was attacked by a vampire and ever since then my body has been changing. Not in a good way...

I heard a knock on my door. "COME IN" I said. The door opened and behind it was Midoriya. "Are you ok Todoroki?" Midoriya asked. "I am fine." I said. "Ok." Midoriya said with an almost sad tone. Midoriya left and I then tried to sleep again.

I must have fallen asleep at some point because when I woke up I saw that I was late for class. I quickly got up and went to my closet. "OH SHOOT I'M LATE!". I got changed and looked in the bathroom mirror. I could see the mark of when I had gotten bitten and covered it up, and I could also see my fangs when I opened my mouth. After getting ready I headed to class.

I opened the door to the classroom and thankfully, Mr.Aizawa was late. I went to my seat and waited for him to come.

Not long after Mr.Aizawa entered the room and said, "Settle down, just because I was not here does not mean you get to roam around and chat." everyone headed back to their seats and class began. I stared blankly and tried to stay wake, but I eventually gave in and drifted off to sleep.

'Todoroki fell asleep in class again'I thought to myself. After class ended I went over to Todoroki, who was still asleep but saw something sharp with his teeth but ignored it. I shook his shoulder a little to wake him. "Hnn...what is it Midoriya" Todoroki said as he was waking up. "It's time for lunch" I said. Todoroki then went on about how he wasn't hungry. I eventually got him to come with me. "Why do I need to come again?" Todoroki said. "Because you need to eat!" Todoroki leaned on my shoulder  "But I'm not hungry" he said as his stomach growled. I got in line while Todoroki sat at a table with Uraraka, Iida, and Asui. I got my food and sat with them. Everybody had food...except for Todoroki.

Midoriya was staring at me as if he was trying to look for a secret, I ignored it and talked with Asui. They were eating their food and laughing at jokes, but I didn't pay any attention. Midoriya tapped my shoulder to get my attention. I looked at him. "Wanna get food and eat with us?" He said "No thank you" I said. They began to tell me I should eat and blah blah blah.... Asui, Uraraka, and Iida left to discard of their dishes. While they did that Midoriya got my attention. "Hey Todoroki, I need to talk to you." He said "ok about w-" I was interrupted when "In PRIVATE please" He said with a serious tone. Me and Him left and I followed him to the locker room. "What is wrong Todoroki?" He said almost sounding sad, while also breaking the silence. "What are you talking about?" "I am perfectly fine" I said not sure if I sounded believable.

"STOP LYING!" Midoriya snapped while being loud. I stood in shock, I had not expected him to yell. "You have not been acting the sameever since you came back from your walk..." he said. "I'm fine" I mumbled. Midoriya got close to me and hugged me. "It's ok you can tell me if something is wrong." He said softly but not whispering. Midoriyas neck was so close to me and my mouth started to water, I don't know why but... I felt consumed by my hunger... I was in control of my body but at the same time.. I wasn't?

This need for him, no. This need for him and his blood, had to be satisfied. Without thinking clearly and being in pain from this hunger. I pushed Midoriya back. If the wall was not behind him, Midoriya would have fallen hardly. I grabbed both of his wrists and pinned him against the wall, tightly gripping him with my eyes closed. My heart rate had sped up faster. I could feel my hunger rising quickly and I couldn't control it.

Todoroki pinned me against the wall gripping my wrists tightly. My heart was pounding, as I didn't know what to do...I was scared. "T-Todoroki t-that hurts." I said. When he opened his eyes I had gotten even more fear. Todoroki's eyes were a blood red and kind of glowing....Todoroki let go of my left wrist and grabbed my chin to move my head up more. I looked at him and his mouth was open, and he had fangs....

He licked my neck and a shiver went down my spine, Todoroki then slowly put his fangs in my neck. I felt them slowly piercing me, it hurt a little. I heard him as he drank my blood...
*gulp* ...

As I bit him the delicious scent and taste took over me. 'It's so sweet' I thought. I put my arm around his waist and looses my grip on his right arm.

Midoriya seems like he could hardly stand so I brought him down. I wasn't thinking clearly so I didn't think to stop. I couldn't stop...

'I don't see the nerd anywhere and he hasn't been here for a while, I know he went off with IcyHot' I thought 'They should be back by now' I got up and went off to look around. After a bit I finally got to the last place that they could be. The locker room....I kicked open the door.

I heard the door get kicked open and stopped drinking Midoriyas blood to see what that was. Fear struck me as I saw it was a person. After processing what just happened I realized it was Bakugou. I looked at him like I had just seen a murder. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE ICYHOT!" He yelled loudly. He looked at Midoriya and a tear formed in his eye. "DEKUUUU!" He yelled and ran to Midoriya. He looked at him began to panic a lot. I stared not being able to speak from my fear.


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