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"Babe wake up" I stared at a sleeping Skies. I blinked slowley at him, as I poked his cheek. "Babyyyyy" I spoke annoyingly.

Skies was still knocked the fuck out from last nights smoke session. Latley, he passes out after smoking so much.

I got close to his face. And then. I yelled. "BABY!!"
Skies jumped up out of his slumber. His curls nappy, and dried up drool on the corner of his mouth.

"Why, the FUCK, are you yelling mamas?" he layed his head back down and looked up at me.

He rubbed his eyes, and started to stretch his body out amongst the bed. And in return, I gave a small smile.
"Good morning baby" I pulled him into my arms, kissing his face.
"Morning angel" he kissed my cheek and returning the ever longing hug I needed from him.

"You ready to see Chrissy today?" i asked.
"I can't wait to meet their son..." Skies paused. "I want a son. A mini asshole running around the house"
"We don't even have our own house for that yet" I added.

"So we get one. And we live our lives"
"How about we get ready and talk about this later?" I smiled. And looked down at him.
"Fine" he smiled, and kissed my lips softly.
"Go brush yuh teeth" I got off of him and stood up.

I walked into our bathroom. And turned the shower on.
Its been a month.

Chrissy and her newborn have been up at the hospital now, because her son was born premature and had a lung issue. But her babys healthy now, and we get to go to the hospital to meet him.
His name, is Max Cube. Aka, a mini Landon.

Chrissy and Landon are gonna be staying in the group house we share now. But Skies and I plan on moving out soon. And have our own place and do our own things.

Danielle and Jay have been on a non stop tour of the east coast the past month, and they come back tonight, so I'm excited to see everyone. Latley, it's just been me and Skies. Not that we're complaining. Its been nice to do basically whatever we want, when we want, and not worry about how much noise we make.

As I got our of the shower and got dressed, I noticed a tiny stretch mark on my waist. No bigger than my pinkie.

I usually had stretch marks on my thighs, not my waist or stomach.

I never really gained weight in that area and never really have.

I turned to the side in the mirror.

My usually flat stomach, was sticking out ever so slightly.

It made me wonder if I should cut back on foods, but then again...a bit of weight never hurt anyone.

Walking out into the bedroom, I heard Skies jump into the shower.

I texted Chrissy, letting her know I'd be up there soon.

I definitely missed having my bestfriend around all the time. She was my go to. And the shoulder I always cried on.

At the hospital, I followed Skies up to the room in the babies wing.

In room 478, sat Chrissy in a hospital gown, and Landon next to her. Landon was holding baby Max. Slowley rocking him back and forth.

"Good for you man" Skies smiled as he walked over to Landon. "You got yourself a mini version of you"

"Yeah...and I used to say I never wanted kids...but dude, looking into the eyes of your own flesh and blood, does something to you... Its like a different type of unconditional love at first sight"

"You guys" I said. "Are gonna make great parents"

"And so will you" Chrissy smiled. "I want my son to grow up with your kid, so you better hurry up Noah. Time to make me a godmother" she smiled.

Chrissy looked good for being in a hospital gown.

Her hair was messy, but she looked as if she was getting enough sleep and food.

And all the while taking care of her baby boy.

"Whens Dani and Hay coming back again?" Landon asked.

"They'll be in tonight. Before midnight. They'll probley be up to see you tomorrow moening or so" I said.

Also guys! I have 3 books in the works right now with Love Me as my first completed book! This is the second one. Then Forbiden and Bother Me. I promise you will love them too!💓💓 please check them out for me and leaving feedback!💗😍

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