Part 6

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"What? You're pregnant? Like with a baby inside of you? For how long?" Bill, now flabbergasted, sat down on the couch with his face whitening and his mind racing. "So what was the conversation about with Fred then? And I'm going to be a father?" Bill murmured while his mind raced. He got up and walked outside the house. He walked downstairs and out the door. He went down to the pond and sat in the mud.

Then his emotions came and he started crying and screaming. "Holy Merlin, a freaking baby. Inside my fiancee. Because of me. Holy crap. Because of me! I ruined her life. And she's only eighteen. I ruined her career and her education and she's going to get picked on and oh shit it's my fault. I ruined her life. She wanted to be a teacher. She wanted to travel the world. But I got her pregnant. And it's my fault and I love her but it's my fault." He curled up and wept for his fiancee, for his baby, and for himself.

He knew she was too good to be true. And a few days ago she was right. Maybe Fleur and Ron should have stayed with Bill and Hermione. And if this never happened, Hermione wouldn't be carrying his child. But now he felt alone and he knew he should be happy for himself and Hermione. And Bill got this sudden feeling that he was acting like a self-absorbed arse. He manned up and walked back to the house where he could see a crying Hermione through the window. Ginny and Molly were comforting her as Fred gave her an awkward side hug.

This is what I miss. This is what I want. Bill thought. He knew all he ever wanted was a family, happy and healthy. And he got his wish. So he knocked on the door and it was opened by George. "Mate, about time. She's going over the edge," George pulled Bill inside and practically shoved him into the living room. Bill walked over to Hermione and knelt down in front of her.

He put his head in her stomach and heard the heartbeats. "Hello, there baby. I'm your daddy and you're inside your mommy." Bill whispered to Hermione's bump. "Your mommy is a lovely young woman. She is really smart and pretty and don't tell her I said this but sometimes she gets angry over a book." Bill looked up at a smiling Hermione, face still glistening and eyes puffy. Bill stood up and hugged Hermione. She seemed small under his tall figure. "You're going to be a wonderful mother, Hermione. I don't doubt it." He whispered into her ear.

"And you will make a lovely father, Bill," Hermione whispered back to him in all earnestness. "But I warn you, it's a girl. And she prefers Shakespear over modern literature. She likes her tea warm and needs to be read to before bed." At this, Bill and Hermione both laughed.

"Oh my Merlin! There have been so many emotional events going on that I forgot to mention something as well. I'm gay," George exclaims from the corner of the room. He emerges and goes over to the fireplace and starts pulling someone's arm out of the hearth. Lee Jordan pops out a few seconds later, his face dirty with ash. "Surprise? Happy Christmas, Lee." George gingerly kissed Lee on the cheek.

"Well, as you can see, this has certainly been the Christmas of surprises. This also leads me to say that I adopted a dog and named it Pickles. Anyone else wants to share anything?" Fred laughed and soon everyone else joined in. As, in fact, this had been the most eventful Christmas that the Weasleys had ever experienced since the birth of Ginny. But that story is for another day.

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