The Transformation

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Minho point of view

i felt, the teeth in my leg, they sank in through my skin, piercing every single layer it touched. i felt my viens freeze, my eyes widen. What was happening to me? I yelped in pain as tears rolled down my face and down my neck. i felt the teeth pull out of my leg, i opened my eyes to see Hyunjin wiping blood from his mouth.

That's all i remember before waking up in bed the next morning.

my hair was wet, my face was sweaty, one single hole through the stomach of my shirt, i pulled my bed cover up to see my leg as i breathed heavy in fear.

No blood. No scar. No pain.

I reached for my phone to text someone about this dream i had how crazy it was how it felt the pain i had experienced it felt so real, But Hyunjin grabbed my phone. Was it a dream? Questions filled my head i looked up at him he had holes in his shirt many of them if i counted there would be around six, hair drenched with sweat. But there was still blood on his mouth. I flinched as he sat down at the end of my bed he sighed before speaking.

"listen, im not going to hurt you. Just tell me what you remember from last night before you woke up this morning, okay?"

Now i was confused, was it real? Was it a dream?
aM I GOinG InSaNe? I took another look at him and i could see regret and guilt written all over his face, he tried to move closer to me again but i moved back once more as he reached out he nodded and left my room with my phone in his hand.

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Here is part 1 to my new short story
Wolfboys it's not going to be long itd only around 3-5 at the maximum parts long, but i have got a new Oneshot coming out soon called "Opposite" and its a long story in it so
b a m b o o m b a n g enjoy that when it comes out :)

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