Truth or Dare Pt. 1

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I was beginning my internship at BigHit Entertainment. I was a nervous wreck, but confident. I was starting a girl group, haven't got to the name yet. I was wearing a grey v neck shirt, with skinny jeans, black boots, and a black leather jacket. My dark hair laying behind my shoulders as I walked up to the dorm entrance. Where we needed to meet. I stepped through the door, shaking, but only to be greeted with eight sweet smiles.

''Welcome Y/N!'' Bang PD exclaimed bowing, I recognized the seven guys behind him, it was BTS. My heart started beating faster, I smiled back, and bowed, ''This is BTS, um boys introduce yourself since she is going to be debuting soon, so you guys can give her guidance. Once again welcome and Namjoon show Y/N where she'll be staying," The boys nodded in response as Bang PD walked off.

''We are BTS!'' They all said in unison. They began to introduce themselves from oldest to youngest. One caught my eye, damn he's hot! Wait! I shouldn't be thinking that. It was his turn to introduce himself.

''I'm Taehyung but I go by V,'' He said smirking, he had such a deep voice I loved it. Finally the maknae introduced himself. I greeted myself as well, but I felt his eyes checking me out from time to time before whispering into Jimin's ear. Jimin would respond to him and chuckle slightly.

''Nice to meet you Y/N, let me show you to your roo,'' He was cut off by his phone ringing, he apologized, ''Taehyung show Y/N to her room!'' He ordered answering his phone. Taehyung nodded, he began walking and I followed. He looked back a chuckled. What was going on in his mind?

Taehyung's POV

''She's hot, I call dibs'' I whispered to Jimin.

"Hey you can't call dibs, I called dibs when I first saw her,'' Jimin whispered back.

''Well deal with it, you know if you and her smashed, you'd be a fucking bottom,'' I snapped back, ''Unlike me of course,'' Jimin blushed and chuckled.

''Taehyung show Y/N to her room!'' Namjoon ordered, I nodded. I started walking with Y/N behind me. I looked back at Jimin smirking, he made a pouty face. I chuckled looking forward.

''So how old are you?'' I asked almost panicking hoping she wasn't fifteen.

''I just turned twenty-one, how old are you?" She responded. Thank God! Wait..... She's a year younger than Jungkook. Crap.

''I'm twenty-four,'' I said as we came up to her bedroom door. ''Here is your room, down on the left is Suga's, RM's, and Jin's rooms, mine, J-Hope's, Jimin's and Jungkook's dorms are on the right. The bathroom is the room to the right of that pink door,'' I said opening her door for her. She smiled and bowed, she went into her room and closed the door waving bye.

I went back downstairs to be greeted by six angry guys. I gave off my signature box smile. ''Okay what did I do this time?'' I asked. Namjoon stepped forward.

''You can't smash Y/N,'' He scolded. I looked at Jimin with mixed emotions in my eyes, mostly murder, and anger.

''You don't know how old she is, she could be around the age when Jungkook debuted,'' Yoongi said

''She's twenty-one, I asked.'' I said plainly, the others looked at me with disappointment, Jin walked up to me smiling, I smiled back. I felt pain on the back of my head a couple seconds later. ''What the Fu...'' I stopped myself, I didn't want to get hit by Jin again, ''Fudge!''

''Wait, don't hit him. We should play a game to male things interesting,'' Yoongi said smirking devilishly. I didn't like it, but I nodded. ''So here's the plan,'' Yoongi explained the plan.


My stuff should get here tomorrow. I wanna do something I'm bored.

''Y/N!!!!! DINNNNEEERR!!!'' I heard Jin calling me from downstairs. I sat down, J-Hope was across from me and Suga was next to him. Next to me was Taehyung, next to him was Jimin and Jungkook. Then RM and Jin on the other side of J-Hope. We all started eating, then Suga spoke.

''How about we play Truth or Dare?'' He asked J-Hope, he nodded before looking at the other guys then they all nodded along, making everyone look at me. I didn't know what to do, so I nodded my head realizing what I did but it was too late. The boys grabbed all of our empty bowls. Jungkook looked at me.

''Hey, so um these games get weird. And since it's the weekend, um,'' Jungkook tried his best to explain it.

''We get drunk before playing, which makes us stupid and we end up doing stupid shit,'' Suga walked up patting Jungkook on the back. I looked around Jin was setting out blankets on the floor. RM was getting shot glasses out, the maknaes were being well maknaes. Suga was laying on the floor, J-Hope was next to him.

''Anyone know any good drinks?'' RM shouted, I walked into the kitchen opening the fridge and grabbing vodka, soju, beer, and berry wine.

''I do, I was a bartender for two years, good pay too,'' I said walking over to where RM had set down the shot glasses. I started pouring the alcohol in the glasses like a pro not spilling a drop. Everyone looked at me widening their eyes, I smirked at sat back down.

''Let the Games Begin'' Declared Suga.

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