Chapter 1

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"Are you still texting your lover" my best friend lexi said with a smirk. "First off Austin is not my lover and why do you always assume I'm texting him?" Even though she was right about me texting him I still wanted to know what her answer was going to be. "Well you're smiling like a fool and you keep gigling so you're either talking to a boy *cough *cough Austin or you're high as hell and we both know you dont smoke so its gotta be Austin." Oh I totally forgot you don't know who Austin is! Austin is the coolest, sweetest guy I've ever talked to. I would say met but we havent met yet. We're online friends. Yeah yeah I know what youre probably thinking but hes not catfishing me. We facetime all the time. He never shows his face but still I know he is who he says he is. "ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" lexi said pulling me out of my thoughts. "What the hell are you screaming about" I said somewhat annoyed. "Nash, Cameron, Carter and Hayes are going to be at the mall tomorrow!" she was practicaly screaming. I barley knew who these boys where besides the fact that they where in a group called magcon but arent anymore. Lexi is always going on and on about them but I try and tune it out cause I could honestly care less. "You have to come with me to meet them" I reluctently agreed then Lexi went home and I continued to text Austin. We usually talk for hours but when I brought up the meet and greet at the mall he got really weird. He quickly ended the conversation and I was left sitting there baffled. I wondered why he was acting so strange. I decided to ask him the next day after I went to the meet and greet with Lexi then went to sleep.

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