Being diapered and babied at 32 years old

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Mark was 32 years old , he was an accountant and good with  numbers and very good at his job. Untill one day, someone falsely accused Mark of getting numbers wrong at work which eventually got him fired, which he wasnt even the one to do so.  Mark was angry about the situation because this was the best job he had as his young adult life, and now he has to search for another one. Mark  casually redid his Resume, and went to the gym alot to keep his mind of things. Mark is very short for his age and only is 5foot5. There was a Woman at the Gym Named Jane who took interest in Mark every single time they went. They always went at the same time, so she wanted to get to know him. Jane was a personal trainer and asked Mark if he needed some training. Mark still made good money from his job, he doesnt have to worry about money right now since he did well saving, and is on unemployment. So Jane began to train Mark. As Weeks past Jane asked why Mark has so much free time to go to the Gym. Mark explained the situation he was in to her, and Jane felt very bad. Jane asked how is living situation was and if he was ok. Mark Explained that he was renting right now and that he was fine, and Jane offered him to stay at his place rent free. Mark was intrigued by the offer and accepted and thanked her. 

 When Mark brought all of his stuff to wear Jane lived. Mark seemed ok with taking some time off work for a little bit. He knew he could probably get another job later and having time to relax and get his mind of from being fired wouldnt be a bad thing.  He is still making a small income from unemployment. If you work any were for 6 to 9 months you are eligible to file for unemployment. Jane went to show Mark his room, he put all of his stuff away,  and went to sleep. When Mark woke up Mark Realized something was wrong. This was no longer a bed Mark was sleeping in. He was sleeping in a crib. Not only was he sleeping in a crib, but he was wearing a diaper and baby pajamas. He was as well sucking on a pacifier and had no idea he was doing so. Mark was thinking to himself what happened. He thought he was dreaming so he went back to sleeping. Next morning he woke up to himself being very wet. Mark did not know what to do but cry.  Jane came running in to help Mark since Jane is tall 6foot2 Mark was easy to pick up like a little baby with him being 5foot5.  Its ok my baby everything going to be ok. Do you need a change. This time Jane Changes Mark and puts Mark into a pink onesis and pink diaper. She takes the pacifier out and let Mark talk. Mark said hey whats going on. Jane said well im very lonely, when i saw you i thought you would be perfect for what i wanted to do. I felt for your situation and i came up with a better one.  Let me take care of you as a baby for a little while and i want to change your gender.  What im planning for you is so you can eventually help me be a personal  trainer.  Mark said ok, but why cant i stay a guy.  Well Mark your 32 years old, and your only 5foot5 no guy or girl in their right mind would listen to you because your very short for your age. The the milk that i give you in this bottle will turn you into a girl and a very attractive girl, and both men and women will listen to you and you will make alot of money. Mark thought about for a while he didnt have a girlfriend or anything and at 32 years old the clock is ticking for him to find a wife and settle down otherwise he would be just some lonely old man. Which was one of his biggest fears which he didnt want. Mark said you know what i agree ill take on the challenge. Jane said great, let me get you started. Jane feed Mark the bottle of milk and Mark became really full and went back to bed. Mark woke up to realize, he was a 16 year old girl now.  Jane Said wow that age regression/gender formula worked well.  Mark woke up and admired his new body. Seeing my Half naked body my boobs and the rest of my body in nothing but a diaper. Mark could get use to this.  Jane said what would you like your new name to be. Mark say May, i think May would be a good choice.  Jane liked the name and went with it. Then procceded to give May more Milk from the bottle and she went to bed in her crib in a new diaper and pajamas.  May now woke up as an 8 year old girl with a huge load in her diaper. Crying hard may said why im i walking like wis. Why is i Walking wike a wittle gurl.  Jane because you are a little girl your body has to get use to you being a girl and you have to get use to it.  May says otay i will get use to it  Jane changes Mays diaper and feeds her more milk from the bottle and then she goes back to sleep.  

May now wakes up as a toddler and  Jane thinks May is so cute.  I can bwarly twalk wight now. Said May. Jane said i know your so cute like this May, i never had a little girl of my own and your at the cutest stage of a girls life right now the toddler stage. I dont think i have to make you any younger being a toddler is fine for now. May said Otay:  May stayed a toddler for around 2 weeks  pooping and peeing her diaper and being feed baby food. After 2 weeks. Jane said i think your ready now, as long now let me feed you another bottle and you can go to sleep.  May now woke up as her 32 year old self in a crib diaper and onesis. She woke up to be in a complete poop filled and wet diaper and started to cry. Jane came into and picked May up and rocked in her arms like she was still an infant. She changed her diaper and put her into normal cloths. May said Jane i already put your application into the gym and i showed you what you looked like and the hired you right away. It was A Friday night and they said you can start work on Monday. May was so thrilled to have another job, and that she could start of work again with a less stressful job then being an account.  Jane said at home though i still want to treat you like a baby and change your diapers thats the cost of it being rent free.  May said sure, she grew custom of being treated like a baby and loved it. May admired her new body. She was skinny had nice boobs nice Brown  hair Brown eyes  and was thic.  Jane breast feed May put her in a diaper and drifted of to sleep in her crib.  May woke up next morning in a poop filled wet diaper and Jane procceded to change her. May started work on Monday but had to wear pull ups just in case for accidents. May enjoyed her job and glad she wasnt Mark or an accountant anymore.  May did have an accident so good thing she was wearing pull ups she massively wet herself but Jane drove her home put her in a car seat, changed May breast feed her and put May in her crib and she quickly drifted of to sleep.

Regressed and babied at 32 years old Gender BenderWhere stories live. Discover now