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I write this over a year ago originally so DONT read please OMG lol. If you ignore my warning, fvck you C: hehe

Since when has society been what rules our lives, my dear Lou?

Since when were stereotypes the type of thing to stop us from becoming the brightest thing in the universe? Weren't we supposed to shine so bright that the stars got jealous? Although the stars will burn out and die, weren't we supposed to be forever?

Things I can..
Things I can't..

Being away from you my love, that is the only thing I can't.

So take my hand, and come with me. Let us go to a world where no one can judge. Where we may look down on our tormentors and laugh about the things they once said to us. While they're still searching in darkened crevasses for what they need to survive, I will have you.

Let us run away this night. Forget the world behind us. Darling, why should we grow up when I can stay young with you?

They say the diamond is the strongest substance in this world, yet even it can be broken. Now then, let us escape to a land where our love is the strongest power. So powerful that nothing can scratch it. Let us leave this world where we have no control over the simple decision of who we may love.

Let us leave this world, where we are forever bound.


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