I Love You || MaNan OS

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It's not true
Tell me I've been lied to
Crying isn't like you
What the hell did I do?
Never been the type to
Let someone see right through

Nandini was sitting in front of the operation theater. Her eyes were fixed on the door as she was waiting for the door to open and doctor to come and tell her what her heart wants to hear.

Here in the OT the person was laying unconscious. His heartbeats slow. His injured body covered with bandages and doctors treating him. Every inch of his body attached with tubes and the line on the monitor screen was describing his remaining life. He was fighting for his lady love. He was fighting for his life.

Outside the OT Nandini was lost in her thoughts. She was remembering what happened few hours ago. She was remembering the dreadful incident and before that the beautiful confession.

Maybe won't you take it back
Say you were tryna make me laugh
And nothing has to change today
You didn't mean to say "I love you"
I love you and I don't want to

Nandini was standing on the cliff where the person who happened to be her boyfriend whom she was dating from the past one year asked her to meet him. She was staring at the decorations which seems to be a perfect date setup or you can say proposal setup.

She was staring all decked up in red knee length frock which reached her mid thigh and had a cut there. The dress was perfectly fitting her each curve of the body. Indeed she was looking like an angel.

The boy came and looked at her only to be get lost in her beauty. He was clean bowled staring at her lady love who manage to make him fall for her every time he look at her. He cleared his throat to gain her attention.

She turned around after hearing the sound and saw the intense gaze of the person who is her boyfriend. She turned her face again. Her back facing him. After few seconds of self-talk she again turned only to get shocked as the person was kneeling down.

She knew what was coming. She fucking knew but the question was, was she ready? Hell no! She didn't even love him. (This is what she thoughts) She had made it clear from the very start that this isn't gonna happen.

"Nandini, I know what you wanna say but please hear me out first." She nodded her head asking him to continue.

"Nandini, I know baby you have made it very clear from the start that what we have between is just the name sake pretend game but I, Manik Malhotra, is in love with you not from today or yesterday but from the very first day itself when I first saw you. From the day when we made this deal. I'm completely, deeply, madly and irrecoverably in love with you." He paused for a second before continuing.

"I said yes for this deal because it was a way for me to stay close to you. I knew from the very start that your answer is gonna be a big fat no but I just wanna say can you please for my sake think of this relation, think of US, seriously? Can you give US a serious chance?" He after completing his confession looked towards her only face her back.

She had turned around the moment he started to confess his love. This was not what she wanted. This was not gonna happen. But these strange feelings in her heart which she was ignoring from quite a long time now was overpowering her.

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