Untitled Part 1

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Twenty five year old Pooja Sharma was starting to realise in frustration, that trying to get an appointment with Kabir Mittal was like trying to get an appointment with God; in that it seemed an impossible feat to accomplish.

But then she supposed sourly, Kabir Mittal probably did consider himself something of a god, as he was a big time property developer, who was able to play with peoples lives to a certain extent.

His all powerful business decisions could either, benefit, or crush their future, depending on which side of the track you came from.

Unfortunately for Pooja she happen to be on the wrong side.

She was not a land owner, or a hotelier; or the owner of some company looking for a big block of offices, that Kabir Mittal could provide.

She just had a part time job working in a supermarket, whilst spending the rest of her time helping out at 'Haven' a refuge for homeless and battered women; which was now under serious threat of being closed down, thanks to Kabir Mittal .

He had managed to convince Prem Mishra, the owner of the large Victorian house, to sell the place to him for a good price.

Prem had leased the house to the Haven's women's group fairly cheaply, having sympathy for their cause as well as a friendly familiarity with the women who ran it.

But as charitable as Prem could be, he found he could not turn down the huge sum of money Kabir Mittal offered.

It would set him and family up comfortably for the rest of their lives. He had never realised the old run down property left by his grandparents would ever fetch such a fortune. Which was why he had happily leased the place to the women's refuge for the last five years

But lately Kabir Mittal had been helping to buy up several rundown derelict properties in the area, with plans to build a big fancy hotel on the site.

As far as he was concerned the money he paid out for the house, would be worth it in the end.

So the women of 'Haven' were dismayed to receive a notice that Kabir Mittal expected them to vacate the building in two months time when the lease would run out.

They had appealed to the local government and councils for aid, but it seemed the councillors wanted the area redeveloped as well, so they showed a reluctance in helping. It would be impossible for the women to find another accommodation so quickly, and they knew they needed more time

Only Kabir Mittal wasn't really interested in giving them any more time, he had his own deadlines to meet and that was all he cared about.

So far, the women in charge of Haven had only been able to contact Kabir Mittal through writing, but his response had been a curt reply that, while sympathetic to their cause, he could not do anything."

This cold brush off only infuriated Pooja further. She was determined to meet the man face to face so she could tell him personally what she thought of him, and what he could do with his deadline.

When she had tried phoning him, she got an answering service or his secretary who always claimed he was too busy to speak with her; and when she tried to visit his office, he was always in meetings or away.

But she was not going to give up easily.

Pooja continued to pester his phone line and office almost daily, hoping if she made enough fuss, and became a pain in the butt, he would realised she was not the sort of person he could just dismiss.

But finally after a few weeks her chance to meet the 'Big Man' came unexpectedly when one of the women of the Refuge discovered that Kabir Mittal would be discreetly paying a personal visit to check out one of the other properties he had bought nearby.

Pooja planned to be there to greet him when he did, she would give him a piece of her mind...

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