The truth

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You walked down to me and jacks park shaking because you were so scared, butterfly's in your stomach because you were so nervous but then you finally reached the park and your stomach dropped.

You saw jack sitting on a bench just starring at a tree in the distance and he looked so hot and then you knew what you had to do.

You walked up to jack and sat next to him.

"Hey jack" you said shaking

"Hey y/n, so what was so important that you needed to tell me?" Jack said anxiously

"Okay this is so hard to say but I'm just gonna say it..... Jack I like you... A lot. And I know you don't fell the same way but it's been driving me crazy not telling you. So yea."

It was silent for what felt like forever, when jack finally said something.

"Y/n your my best friend in the whole entire world and I don't want to do anything to jeopardize our friendship. I'm so sorry but I don't feel the same way." He said

What he said shattered your heart into pieces, felt like someone stabbed you with a knife. Someone punched you in the gut. You felt like You had died.

You just sat there looking at the ground when you finally got the guts to say something back.

"It's fine lets just forget I ever said anything." You said while crying

And you walked away.

"Wait y/n please wait." Jack said

But you just kept walking.

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