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Hi. My name is Rykiel, kinda sounds like Raquel. Anyways, my life was perfectly normal. It felt nice being naive to the world around me and perfectly happy in my little bubble with all the unicorns and rainbows that I wanted. Oh and don't forget the cupcakes with rainbow sprinkles on top! Well as I was saying before getting off track, apparently I'm not safe now that I know what I know and who I am around. All I keep asking myself now is, why me? Well here's how my day started out, pretty lame I'll admit but then again what day ever starts out interesting?


This is the greatest day in the history of the world! This is the day I become independent! The day I get my driver's license! I can finally go where I want to go, when I want (of course with the permission from the rents) and with whoever I want!

I can't stand still as I stand on the piece of blue masking tape on the floor in front of the blue screen. I hear the lady behind the camera counting down from 3 and I get my face ready for a good picture. Wouldn't want to look ridiculous on my new ID and have cops laughing at me when I hand them my ID when I get pulled over, not that I don't plan to get pulled over. The flash goes off and I keep smiling a few seconds afterwards just in case. I then go sit in one of the most uncomfortable chairs in the world as I wait for my ID to be prepared.

I pull out my phone and text the mother that I already took my pic but just needed to wait for the license and asked her to come pick me up. She replied a couple minutes later with an ok and with a 'I got a surprise for you!!!!'. Now this oughta be good. Last time she told me that I ended up with a sunburnt and peeling face and a twisted ankle. Long story.

*half an hour later*

The boss had arrived 15 minutes earlier and I was ecstatic as to what the surprise was. I finally walked out that crowded and sweaty building and sat in the passenger seat as my mother drove us to a location unknown to me. For all I knew she and my father had gotten tired of me after 17 years and had devised a plan to take me out into the open country and sell me to evil hillbillies that would skin me alive and then gut me like a fish! Wow. Mental picture there.

We finally arrived at a car dealer lot and I was freed of all the crazy, deadly scenarios I was conjuring up in my mind. That's when it hit me. I was getting my own car!!! I squeal and run into the arms of my father as I see him walking towards us with a car dealer person. "Surprise princess." "Awww! Thank you old man," I say as I detach myself from my father and followed the man who was assisting us today. I blocked everything that he said as he ended up following me along with my parentals as I took the lead looking at all my possibilities.

And then, I saw him. I instantly knew he was the one. The one made for me. My other half. In front of me was a red 2015 Lincoln MKC. I spared no time running to it and jumping and landing semi spread eagle on the hood of the car. I'll admit, it hurt, but anything for my new baby! "This one!" "How much for it," my old man asked the other man. "Well we just got this one in and it's next year's model so I would say around 59,450 dollars." Holly fudge cakes! That's a lot! And that's an understatement right there. My father rubbed his stuble like he always does when he's thinking something over. Please. Please. Please. Fingers crossed.

"Where do we sign?" "Well if you'll-" he didn't continue as I interrupted him as I dashed towards the parentals and squished them in a huge bear hug. But I pulled away and rushed the dealer towards the main building to sign off the papers.

- * - * - * - * -

I felt ecstatic as I got the keys to my new baby. "Now princess, don't forget you're responsible for the monthly payments that are due every 20 of each month." "Ok my adored and amazing old man! Now if you'll excuse me, I need some bonding time with my new baby," I said as I layed on the hood and crooned softly at it. My parents laughed and just shook they're heads and with a final goodbye they walked towards their car, I found out earlier that my mother had dropped my father off earlier before getting me, and drove in the direction of our humble of ode.

I spun around and clasped the keys to my chest and looked at the beautiful man of my life. "Let's go baby. Time for a little fun."


NEW STORY!!!!! Hope u likey! Trying to actually complete this one and not make it so boring. I don't really have a plan but I'll just write wat comes to mind.

Pic to the side ladies and gentlemen is...her baby. So precious! ♡♡♡♡

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