Website Design Company Australia

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Top 10 components of a successful small business website

In today's age of World Wide Web and smart phones websites, online marketing and e-commerce is an integral part and parcel of any business strategy. Large business establishments have it easy as they have the capital to do so but small businesses that are less on capital and market funds also need to have web designers for putting up their business online. This will enable them reach a greater clientele and create bigger circles.

Website promotion has really kicked off well in Australia in recent years with businesses communities realizing the potential of internet and the returns that they will be able to generate through advertisements and social media.

So, what are those essential elements that work wonders for small business websites?

1. Small Business Elevator Pitch

Research reveals that visitors spend hardly seven seconds in around 90% of the sites they visit. They mostly click through and leave without spending too much time on reading the content. So, you have a tight timeline of seven seconds to convey your reader who you are, what you do, why do you do it, who you do it for, and why you are the best bet. Hence you need to nail your pitch and stay in front and center on your homepage.

You need to strike an instant chord with your visitor and convey your core marketing message within those seven seconds. To make this happen you need to have your logo design, tagline, and initial two sentences of your website as clear and crisp as possible. This will go a long way in increasing the credibility of your brand and in creating a positive impact among customers who you are targeting to market your product. There is a lot to be communicated in the very little time that you have and so your pitch must be concise and compelling.

2. Strong Call for Actions

Often small business owners pose one important question: why doesn't my website convert? The answer is simple. There is a lack of call to actions. Good example of call to actions include having phone numbers, "Buy Now" buttons, or any other subtle actions that would encourage your visitors to move ahead with the next line of actions. Call to actions is a means of engaging your visitors and convert them to buyers of your products. Your website visitors look for specific information regarding the products before they decide to buy. Smart call to actions pre-empts the visitors next step and gently lead them through your website in the way you want them to feel your product and simultaneously giving them the information which they are looking for.

One such way is to keep your basic information in order. Place your contact number in the top right of every page. Also place your number in the footer of every page with hyperlinks to your most valuable content. This is more needed for mobile websites where visitors are looking out for contacts so that they could call quickly and decide.

3. Track your Conversations

This is one area that you tend to overlook. It is very important to track your conversations. Businesses which are small will find it easier to do so. It is extremely important to know the number of business enquiries and the number of business orders that your website is able to generate. It is also important to know which strata of the society do they come from and what is the cost to acquire them. Having this information in hand will enable you to accurately measure your marketing spend, evaluate the success of any improvements or modifications in your or online marketing, and additionally measure the underlying success of your website.

4. Engaging Small Business 'About Us' Page

One primary mistake which small businesses make is putting up an unattractive About Us page which hardly ever mentions about customers. It may seem strange to focus more about your customer than about your company in the homepage but that has got its own valid reasons. You need to create a balance between the personalities behind developing your business as your customers would want to know whom they are working with. They would also like to know what benefit they would derive by working with you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2020 ⏰

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