1 - A Paranormal Greeting

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The rain fell down onto the window harshly, creating a scatter of raindrops onto it. I stared out into the distance of the landscape before me. The cars' bright lights and loud honking filled the streets, creating a loud display for everyone else. I could see people walking on the sidewalks, either alone or in big groups of people. I escaped my daydreaming and turned around, checking the time.


"I forgot it's Friday..." I quietly mumbled under my breath. I decided to stay up a little longer and make something for me to eat. I trudged through the empty hallway to my kitchen to make a small meal. Thunder boomed from above me, causing a flash of lighting to shine through the blinds. I grabbed some macaroni, milk, and butter out of the fridge and pantry and placed them on the counter. The silence around me filled my empty house, the light banging of pots and pans from the cabinet below was the only sound other than the rain and cars from the street.

The pot was filled with water and now on the stove, heating up. I walked into the living room and turned on my TV, clicking on YouTube. The clicking from the remote was quiet, but I always found the sound to be satisfying. I played some songs that I found to put me in a good and relaxed mood. The Weeknd's "Blinding Lights" played as I danced along, quietly humming to the tune of it. It took me a couple minutes to hear the screeching of the water telling me it was ready from the kitchen. I hurriedly walked over and turned the burner down so the water wouldn't be too hot.

I grabbed the small macaroni and opened the box, shaking it around while the shells made a loud noise. I stopped. I heard shuffling coming from somewhere in my house as I stopped shaking the box of macaroni.

"...huh?" I listened carefully and shook the box again, making sure it wasn't just the small box I was holding. I stopped. I could still hear the shuffling. I went over to the tv and paused the music blaring from the speakers of it. The shuffling was still sound. It sounded as though someone was searching a room? I grabbed the nearest thing to me on my right. It was a flashlight. Eh, not the worst thing I could grab, actually it's the best out of everything I have.

I got closer and closer to one of the few rooms in my house, listening to find where the loud shuffling was coming from. It sounded like it was coming from my room, the one closest near me. I slowly reached for the doorknob, making sure to not make a whole lotta noise. My hands were shaking, my breathing was shaky as well. I gripped onto the flashlight even harder and opened the door a little bit, and then barged in. The light turned on as I hit the switch and I saw no body there. I ran to my window, it was closed. What? No, there was no other way to get in without her noticing.

I checked around the room and made sure none of my personal belongings were gone. I checked in the closet for the one thing most dear to me, well, the 2 things most dear to me. I checked the case, everything was still in there; I checked the small box neatly wrapped in the corner. It was still there. I signed out of relief to see I still had them. That I still had it.

"Just who the hell was here? And what did they want?" My anxiety grew more as each second passed. I put the small box back and closed the closet door, locking that as well. I looked out the window again and stared at the cars below. Their lights were just so...captivating.

I turned away and stopped in my tracks, smelling something....something burning....

"OH SHIT, THE MACARONI!" I yelled and quickly went out of my room and to the kitchen. I turned the burner off all the way and moved the pot to another one. I stirred it around, it was a little burnt but it was still edible. The shells were soft and not too hard, just a little brown. I grabbed the strainer and put it over the sink, pouring the macaroni in it. All the water was filtered out as I put the macaroni back into the pot. That's when it happened.

*bzzz...bzzz bzzzz....*

I heard weird noises coming from behind me. I turned around and saw the tv making a terrifying display.

It was static, but a girl with her face in different parts of the screen was barely visible on the tv. She had dark hair and bags under her eyes. Her eyes....she didn't have any. It was just two dark pits of nothing in her face. I couldn't breathe, my heart dropped into my stomach, then the lights went off and so did the tv. My throat started hurting, a loud screech was all I could hear.

The screaming was me.

Okay whew that took forever cause I have major writing block (or whatever it is lmao) atm so 😔👊🏻

But yeah this is pretty short but I'll make sure to try and make longer chapters in the future so :))

Date Published: 3/9/20

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2020 ⏰

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