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i'm in trouble.
"what is it?" i asked my mom. she looked at me with her lips tightly pressed together. she's pale, with freckles and brown hair.
"what is this?" she asked me, thrusting a water bottle in my face. the water bottle had two burned holes in the bottom. that's a gravity bong. fuck. oh god.
"is this another one of your stupid bongs? haven't i told you not to smoke in the house?"
"no mom, it's for science i-" please fall for it please fall for it please-
"oh, sorry. here," she handed me the bong. thank fuck. "please finish these dishes."
"it's fine."
another silent conversation with my mother. we could almost read each other's minds. she was basically saying 'i know it's a hong and i'm disappointed in you for lying' and i'm basically responding with 'why do you care?', but it was like this all the time. after dad left, she was just quiet and angry constantly. it was hard to deal with her, but i only had two more years until i could move out and be on my own.
"it's 6:45, shouldn't you leave for school soon?" she asked me. i didn't turn around before responding
"yeah i guess so, can you finish the dishes for me please?"
"no, you can do them when you get home"
"bye scotty"
"bye mom, i love you" please say it back
my eyes unfocused, i stared blankly towards the dishes, waiting for her to say 'i love you' back. after about 30 seconds, i gave up. yet another silent conversation.
"fuck it's cold" i muttered under my breath. the AC in my car was on its coldest setting. that didn't help with the weather outside. Arizona winters are not nearly as rough as the summers, but growing up an arizona kid, you'll never get used to the cold.
the drive to school was actually better than i expected it to be. blasting a dumb punk rock playlist consisting of my chemical romance, hot mulligan, and the front bottoms really boosted my mood.
after i parked at school, made sure i had everything, (keys wallet backpack chapstick...) and started walking towards the front gates of the school. as soon as i walked up, my heart started racing. i saw her. Heather Mason. it was like an angel shone a light on just her, in that moment, and everything went into slo-mo. shes totally hot. i may or may not have been pining over her since middle school.
Heather Mason, she just goes by Mason. there were two Heathers at our high school, so she chose to go by the last name. she has black hair that went down to her collarbones, her hip bones just barely poked through her leggings, she wore huge sweaters and shorts most of the time, even when it was cold out. her fluffy socks always poked out a little bit above her black high tops. she was a total nerd, too. she watched Sailor Moon all the time and that was her whole vibe. i was deeply in love with her, and she barely knew me.
as i walked by, she smiled bright at me.
"hi scotty!"
"hey heather" i said, in an embarrassingly shaky voice. shit.
"you sound nervous scott" i am
"what?" shit shit shit
"are you cold? you're shaking" she placed her hands on mine and i instinctively pulled away. why did i do that??
"oh... sorry"
"i'll see you in english, heather"
"bye!" she smiled at me again and walked away. she's so cute. as she walked towards her circle of friends i heard her group say "hey mason", but i prefer to call her Heather. it feels more personal to me.
i cant believe i pulled away from her. how stupid could i be?
the first period bell dinged, and i went off to my first period.

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