Luck of Nothing

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The night air was heavier with pollutants than she expected to be as she stepped through the portal. Loki felt it with every breath she took and the way it clung onto her skin, making her feel dirtier than she's felt in a long time. As she wandered towards the edge of the building, she peered up to the skyline, taking in what this world has to offer for exploration (and possible mischief if she felt up to it.) While the skyline was mostly the same, there were a few key differences that made it clear that she was in a different Midgard than the one Loki knew.

For starters, there wasn't the Avengers Mansion that she could see - though the city of New York was vast enough that she couldn't spot everything from where she was standing. Another was that most of the technology that Stark loved to put out wasn't littering every possible place that would allow it. (There was however a Stark building at the edge of her vision that even by her Stark's way of designing was tasteless.) Still, everything was mostly the same, almost down to the same buildings and historic sites that she had visited with Verity in the past.

But there was something to this world that made the magic under her skin stand to attention. Something that had called to the portal, that was stronger than the other multiple Midgards that were out there, waiting for her to visit. This one wanted her to visit it first, a soothing siren call that only seemed to entice her the more she listened to it.

No use in guessing what was making the call, it was time to go exploring. To seek out what was calling Loki like it was.

With a deep breath in tasting the harsher pollutants and all, she stepped up to the ledge of the building, looking across to where she could land. It took only a few moments to decide and with a jump that the Midgards would call a leap of faith, Loki crossed over to the building across.

Loki followed this path, sometimes using her seven league boots to carry her up the sides of buildings when their ledges were too high for her to jump up to. When walking up the side of them, several times she was caught by the people inside apartments who happened to look out the window. They always reacted with a double glance as if they could hardly believe it that they were seeing a woman walking up the side of the building with nothing but air.

"Guess there's no Spider-Man here," She mumbled to herself, after the fifth time this happened, continuing to walk up the building. Often the Midgardians of her New York City weren't phased anymore by a person climbing or walking up the side of the buildings for both superheroes and villains alike used this trick to travel quickly.

Which was a strange occurrence even to someone like her that there would not be a spider person in any New York City, trying to protect the city. There is always one, sometimes multiple of them if the universe or situation would allow it. What was this world if it didn't have any familiar street-level heroes or villains?

As she reached one of the taller buildings in the city, Loki looked over the edge to take it in. She was closer to the hideous Stark Tower - which she momentarily wrinkled her nose at - but wasn't close enough that she would consider messing with this world's Tony Stark for her own amusement. Looking away from the monstrosity, Loki took note of that she was close enough to travel towards Hell's Kitchen if she chose to do so.

It didn't take much for her to decide.

'If there's not Spider person, perhaps there wasn't a Daredevil as well. Anything is possible at this point,' She thought, taking a more daring move towards the building across the way which involved a flip off the ledge.

After landing on the side of the building, she took note of the few people who were walking nearby. In their hands were phones, poised to take more pictures or videos of her doing gravity-defying acts. (To sell to the news from what little she understood from that part of Migardian culture.)

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