(A sample of my latest endeavor, can't wait to really get into it! Let me know what you think)
Life, an illusion; humanity — suspended frozen crystals — waiting to fall. This life, this nature is a lie. The cyborg pandemic infected the now “elite” class of society. So where do you turn when your very core is threatened by the norm of a society you no longer belong in? The darkest, dampest caves in the corners of the earth; the dwellings not even fit for bugs to live in. A place called Eden; we “undesirables” find comfort in each other - Safe, at least seemingly so, from the cybernetic plague. If you are still human, find us. We may be your only hope to survive.
Chapter 1: Janna
The pitfalls of being the last person in your school without an enhancing microchip implant are obvious. You’re avoided, shunned. The odd one out. Truth is I don’t even want one. My family isn’t very well off, but we can still manage to afford micros. My mother has one and my father has three; as well as wires connected to their nerves and muscles to improve such abilities like running and jumping. Why they have the desire to jump fifty plus feet from a standstill is beyond me. But what they do with their bodies is their business.
“Janna! Are you ready for school yet?” – My mother. I’m sure right now she’s thinking, ‘If only she had a microchip she wouldn’t be late all the time!’ Like micros solves all the world’s problems.
“Yeah, I’m almost ready, give me a minute.”
“You’re going to be late again! Hurry up.” An exasperated sound, “You know Janna if only you’d get a microchip we wouldn’t have this problem!”
If only she could see my face* >.>*. I finished putting my books in my bag and headed downstairs.