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Absolutely no one gets away with hurting Wei Wuxian.

It's an unspoken rule in the Lan sect which might as well be written in stone. Newly recruited men are repeatedly reminded that Wei Wuxian is not to come into any sort of harm whatsoever, lest they wish to incur the wrath of Lan Wangji.

Wei Wuxian is absolutely off limits and should anything happen to him (be it a strand of hair gone), then there's really no saying what sort of torment will befall the unlucky perpetrator. It's even proven that the Second Master Lan doesn't even let his own men off the hook should they fail to protect his best friend.

None of Lan Wangji's men present bat an eyelid when a small-fry drug dealer crumples to the ground in sheer agony, complexion turning steadily paler from the blood loss as he stares in disbelief at his arm that's been severed. There's blood everywhere, along with screaming and shrieking that grates on Wangji's ears, but what's important here is that Wei Ying is safe.

Hurt, but safe.

Wuxian coughs out a feeble ''Lan Zhan'' before he speaks, wincing as he does so. He's still disoriented from being held hostage, a barb wire tightly wound around his neck until it had dug into the flesh. ''Was that really necessary?''

Having been friends (or more than that, Wuxian has no inkling, really), he's no stranger to being in such life-threatening situations. But, there are occasions where his knees turn absolutely weak as soon as the adrenaline is coursing through his body. It's a given that Wangji will always have his back, that the male would set the world ablaze to protect him.

''Absolutely necessary.''

Even if Lan Wangji doesn't kill the scum curled up in a fetal position on the floor, the loss of blood will. Wordlessly, he gestures for his men to deal with the crumpled body. He's not one to get his hands dirty, but exceptions are always made for Wei Wuxian.

Blood drips from the raw wound around Wuxian's neck, staining the collar of his once-pristine cream shirt. There's bruises on his face and scratches on his arms from when he had put up a fight. Pride surges through Wangji, knowing that the other would never go down without one.

Wuxian's expression is that of utter disgust as he stares at the bloody, mangled arm just a metre away from him, ''You could have just shot him dead.'' Not because he wishes for a merciful death for the person who had attempted to kill him, but because...well, excessive blood always makes him feel a little nauseous. As it is, he's already suppressing the urge to hurl.

You'd think that he'd have developed a resistance to this.

It had been a routine goods drop until the idiot had rashly grabbed Wuxian in an attempt to use him as a bargaining chip.

''Not enough.'' Comes Wangji's short reply. ''He touched you.''

Wuxian isn't exactly certain if he's light-headed from the shock, or if it's because of his best friend's words. A sort of affectionate warmth courses through him, and he gingerly allows Wangji to guide him to his feet, immediately leaning his weight against the other. Fuck, he'd kill for one of Wen Qing's painkiller right now.

''You can't kill everyone that touches me, you know. There'll be bodies piled up everywhere.''

It's a weak attempt at humor.

''Watch me.''


They're best friends. And more. Perhaps.

The line of friendship has always been blur between them, but it's not that Wuxian minds. He just...wants Lan Zhan near - as simple as that. Then again, even if he ever plans on running away one day, Lan Wangji would hunt him to the very ends of the Earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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