⧉ chapter 1 ~ the new goddess ⧉

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Why wasn't she picking up?

Did he do something wrong?

Did he forget something important?

Touya sighed heavily, his rough hands rubbing his face frustratingly over his ceased and stressed face, taking a deep sigh to forget the feelings and wash it away. She must be as upset as he was to not be answering his calls right?


Toga grinned watching as the third notification rolled at the top of her screen to indicate that she had missed his call once again. She poured herself another expensive glass of the Olympian bottle of champagne he had gifted her, eyes expectantly watching the phone to see if he would call again. But she didn't care, she tried to convince herself at least. She wanted to string him along and make him want her. Need her the way she so desired to be chased after.

Her heart lightly sunk as it takes a few pregnant moments for him to call again; and hell she even called him back first. She rolled her eyes angrily feeling happy when she saw his bitch-ass calling again.

So, of course, she had to pick up.

"Hi, Touya-"

"Where the hell are you? Why aren't you picking up?" Touya practically seethed into the phone, hand gripping it so tightly as he honked his horn another time to get her attention. "I can see you're in your damn bathroom. The light is on."

"Hm? Sorry, I forgot. I had such a busy day today. I'm heading to bed early." She lamely excused looking at her nails. A cocky smirk adorned her face as she felt herself become happy at his distaste. "Too tired to be seen with you tonight," Her eyes flickered to the window, hearing another honk that signified he was growing rather impatient. "Just because the mortal world doesn't know that you're a god, it doesn't change the fact that you stink of death."

"Come on Y/N, the dress looks fine!"

"Are you sure it's not too short? I don't want to look like I don't fit in -- maybe I should just stay home?" She mumbles looking at the gold, strapless, dress that her roommate had forced her to wear. A soft blush adorns your cheeks as you sigh, feeling no comfort in the dress. Each time you'd tug the dress down, her breasts threatened to spill out -- once you tried pulling it up it dangerously rode up too close to your butt for your liking.

'Rumi was nice enough to lend me it so why not?'

"You sure I'll fit in Rumi? What if everyone thinks I'm some stupid village girl..."

Rumi pouts at her low self-esteem, checking herself in the mirror as well. Her eyes looked past the mirror, watching as her friend tried on the dress, smiling a bit at how cute she looked in it. She turns to look at Y/N, the aforementioned girl looking back at her with an almost pitiful stare.

"Come on Y/N, no one's going to think that. You look amazing! I'll make sure to stay under the radar okay?" She promises, holding up their ceremonial pinky, grinning once Y/N lifts hers as well.

"One drink, then we can go right?"

"One drink, and I can go right?"

"Oh come on what's the rush?! You're usually drinking us under the table!" Natsuo nudges him, giving him a knowing look.

Shouto scoffs as his brothers converse, looking over the party before joining in. "The nymph that hangs on his arm, right?" His eyes narrow sassily over at his older brother, a smug look threatening to cover his face as Touya rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"Whatever is going on in my love life isn't your business-"

"I bet she left your ass with blue balls huh?!" Natsuo teases, chuckling as he pulls his brother close to him and slinging his arm around his shoulders giving him an unneeded nuggy, much to his older brother's chagrin. He rolls his eyes grumpily and moves away from his younger brother's arm, trying to fix himself up.

"I'd rather you not talk about my balls or ass for the matter-"

"i'D rAtHeR yOu NoT tAlK aBoUt My BaLlS oR aSs FoR tHe Mat- Shouto... what is he doing here?" Natsuo seethes spotting the unsightly fool prance around the dance floor, eyes burning with boiling rage making eye contact with Denki. He freezes upon seeing the ingrate, eyes sharpening down on him and grabbing the railing as he leans over the edge to bark down at him. "Out! Get the hell out -- MOVE ALONG DENKI!" He snarls, scaring the mortal just as he had expected.

"A-Alright, alright, J-Jesus! I just wanted to party-"

Kaminari stops his sentence, bumping into someone as he tries to flee the scene. He looks back seeing the spill, quickly panicking as he tries helping her, only riling Natsuo up even more.

He turns to his brother with a clenched fist, ready to munch Shouto's head off as he gets infuriated.

"Look at him! Messing up once again! This is why we don't invite him places!" Natsuo continues to complain, blowing a head at his words too. "Jesus?! Jesus?! Do you know where you are!"

Touya couldn't bother to care for his brother's fretting, his attention solely focused on the poor victim that had run into Denki's clumsy and stupid streak. He watched as Kaminari delicately helped you up, Rumi quickly coming in to defend you, another deity ready to rip the poor mortal to shreds. But even with the scene unfolding before him, he couldn't deny the weird thump in his heart. This new... goddess? Gave his heart a weird lump in his throat and a strong bump in his chest he couldn't shake off.

"Who... who is that?" He asks breathlessly, pupils dilated as he reaches into his coat pocket and fishes for his glasses fixated on your face. Shouto turns his head to face him, ignoring Natsuo's annoyed tyrant.

"Oh, that's Kendo's daughter. Goddess of Spring."

"Daughter? Since when did she have a daughter..." Touya mumbles watching with keen interest watching you socialize with Artemis. Shouto discreetly stiffens at the thought, holding back the roll of his eyes as he watches down as well. "I've never seen her before."

Shouto pauses before his eyes meet with his older brother's. He takes a sip of gold champagne from his glass and finishes what's left of the concoction in the glass. "It's... complicated." Shouto starts to explain, resting it on the tray of a passing waiter and thanks to him before continuing. Shouto mumbles as he starts to think, "Kendo thinks I'm 'morally corrupt'. I am not sure how? But I must have I done something to upset her..." he trails off with his chin resting on his fingers, looking up and forgetting about the conversation at hand.

"Go on..."

"Oh yes..." He pipes a bit as he continues his answer. "she opted out from bringing her to Olympus and kept her in the Mortal Realm to keep her busy with her duties." He scoffs looking back down at her along with the three other creepers. "She's always been over protective of Persephone, I'm surprised she let her move to the city."

A pregnant silence fills between them, both Natsuo and Shouto's attention moving elsewhere to watch over as Touya keeps a quiet eye on you. He lightly smirks pulling his glasses back into his coat pocket as he chuckles to himself.

"Sure as hell puts Aphrodite to shame."

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