one - the idea

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thump !
   I was startled awake from my doze on the couch by the sound of the newspaper arriving on her porch. I yawned and stretched my body out in the patch of sunlight on my warm cozy couch. I stood up and ambled over to the door to pick up my paper.


  The main headline in big block letters flared up at me. I sat down to take a read.

  The famous bad boy, Draco Malfoy is at it again. Last weekend he was accused of cheating on world renowned supermodel Brittani Harding. The public was surprised after the pair had been dating for almost six months, a big change from Malfoy's usual routine of being seen with a new girl every week. True Draco Malfoy followers however knew this was too good to be true and their suspicions were confirmed last Saturday when Brittani came out to the public after having caught Draco cheating.

   I threw down the paper in disgust. I had always been appalled with Malfoy and his routine of going through girls like tissues, but cheating was a new level. It's not like his behavior was something new either. Since meeting him at Hogwarts, Malfoy had always gotten his way. Never thinking about others.
  A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. She smiled upon realizing it was Ginny, here for their weekly coffee and girl talk.
"This week I brought iced mochas and croissants!" Ginny declared striding into my living room.
  "Have you seen this?!" I spat waving the paper in her face.
   "I know. That boy I swear to God, someone needs to give him a taste of his own medicine." Ginny said as she sat down next to me and handed me a coffee.
  "Wait. Ginny that's a great idea!" I said suddenly standing up.
  "What? What did I say?" She wondered looking up at me.
"Give him a taste of his medicine! That's what I'll do! Someone needs to do it, he's been this way for forever and nobody's done anything about it." I declared.
"Well, I have no idea how you would do it, but I'll give my support. Somebody needs to get back at him." Ginny replied. Hmmm. I sat back down as I thought hard. How could I get back at Malfoy....
"I got the perfect plan!" I cried as I shot up again for the second time.
"Well let me heat it!" Ginny exclaimed.
"Okay, so hear me out. I'll get Malfoy to go out with me and then of him dumping me I'll dump him! But publicly in a humiliating way!!" I say with excitement.
"Ooh yes okay! I'm here for that." She says. "But wait. Mione you know I love you, but your current look? Not the best look for seducing bad boys. The plan also might go better if he didn't recognize you."
I turn to look at myself in the hall mirror. Ginny did have a point. My personal upkeep and looks were definitely not high of my list of priorities. Like I had good hygiene and everything but I definitely dressed for comfort over fashion trends and I didn't know concealer from highlight. I normally stuck to mom jeans and baggy sweaters and wore my long brown hair in a braid.
"Ahh! This is so exciting!" Ginny screeched. "We are taking Draco Malfoy down!!" I declared. I had to smile at her enthusiasm and agree with the exciting part. Since school and the war, my main focus pretty much had been on work. I didn't really have much time for fashion, boyfriends or even many friends past Ginny & Harry. Ron and I had tried dating but after a couple months had realized we were much more comfortable as best friends over dating. Even that had been three years ago. This was the most excitement I had had in a long time.
  "Is it sad to say I'm more excited about making you over than I am about the Draco Malfoy part? This is your last day as the old Hermione! The world better get ready for Hermione 2.0! Especially Malfoy. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning 7 am sharp!" Ginny said as she walked out.
  Wow. What I had gotten myself into with this crazy idea of mine?

Hi guys! Here I am starting a new story without having finished all my others 🙃 I just had the idea for this once last night and had to start it :) hope you guys enjoy it!! please leave your thoughts in the comments / message me if you ever have any questions or ideas! (most importantly do y'all have any titles ideas? I've very open to changing it) anyway hope y'all are having a great day and I promise to actually update this one along with granger to riddle

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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