Meeting him

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It all started on a rainy Monday. I woke up realizing that I was late for school. I didn't even bother calling my mom because I knew she would freak out. I stayed calm and went back to sleep. I wake up to a bunch of notifications on my phone. I guess we didn't have school today anyways because my friends are online. I hear a knock on my door and I go run to see who it is because, I know my mom hasn't made it home quite yet.I look through the window and see a boy standing at my door. I open it and say hello.
"Hi" I say with my jaw dropping down to the floor because he was the most hottest boy I have ever seen. He goes "Hello, my name is Taylor!" He seemed pretty excited for some reason. "Are you new to this neighborhood?" I asked. He politely says "Yeah, and you are very pretty." I blushed as red as a cherry and invited him in.

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