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Secret Santa
Wasn't Christmas the day to spend with your loves one? Then why is it that Mikoshiba Mikoto is sitting in his room, playing video games and acting like an otaku? Well, it's because the red-head was a loner. I know. You don't have to tell me! I'm a loner!! I'm spending Christmas alone while everyone is happy and lovey-dovey. Mikoshiba was crying out anime tears and looks at the girl that he was conquering.

"I don't want to spend Christmas with you!" the tsundere girl said. Mikoshiba had a vein pop out of his head and threw his console.

"No one was asking for you anyway!" Mikoshiba cries. He heard the doorbell ring. "E-Eh..?"

"Hii Mikorin!" Sakura said, happily.

"Mikoshiba, I'm going to take over your kitchen," Nozaki said, already walking over to the kitchen.

"Hey, Mikoshiba! You have a nice apartment." Kashima said, tapping his shoulder. Mikoshiba just stood there, stoned, as Hori, Seo, and Wakamatsu, greeting him and walking their way in.

"What's going on?" Mikoshiba asks, slowly. He turns to Nozaki, thinking he knows the answer to that.

"I called you and texted you a bunch of times but you didn't answer. I told you about our Secret Santa, remember?" Nozaki answers, blankly.

"I.. didn't buy a present," Mikoshiba said.

"It's okay," Nozaki-kun said, putting his hand onto Mikoshiba's shoulder. He puts a thumbs up saying, "No one did."

"What was the whole point in the Secret Santa?"

Mikoshiba sighs as he puts his games away. He heard the doorbell ring again and when the redhead opened it, he saw someone who was wearing a bunch of layers and sweaters on him. The person looked liked they were wrapped in a bunch of blankets. "..Who are you?"

"It's me." Mikoshiba could barely hear the person saying that. The person was too muffled in that it was hard to hear. The person takes out some of its layers and shows their face. It was a girl. It was (L/N). "Yo."

"(L/N)!? Come on in!" Mikoshiba said, turning red. He looked pretty happy now that you're here.

"It's warm!" you cried. Mikoshiba slowly takes off the jackets one by one. He noticed that one by one it still doesn't feel like it's going to be gone. 'How many layers are there?'

"They're done."

"Sorry about that. I dislike the cold," you said, rubbing the back of your head.

"It's no problem. "Kashima said. She sweatdrop.

"Wahhh. Is that a mistletoe?" you ask.

"Yeah. We're decorating the tree with it." Sakura said, putting up an ornament on the tree.

"Like I said! Why are you decorating the tree?!" Mikoshiba said.

"Can we decorate it with this mistletoe too?" you ask.

"Sure." Mikoshiba took the mistletoe away from you and blushed.

'This is the greatest Christmas gift.'

Do you want to kiss someone under the mistletoe?
Red like the mistletoe

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