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It had been about a year since Elsa froze summer. Elsa was in her bedroom about to start getting ready for the day ahead when a sealed envelope appeared on her vanity. It had her name on it with beautiful writing. She picked it up and looked at it. She grinned recognizing the handwriting and the way it was delivered. She opened it there was a letter inside that read:

Dear Queen Elsa Of Arendelle,

I wanted to give you a warning of what is coming. My son has been banished to Arendelle. He is very angry and dangerous. My husband banished him without anyone knowing and for this I apologize. I hope he isn’t too much for you to handle. The only way Odin will allow him back in Asgard is if he learns to care about someone other than himself. If there is any way you could give him a place to stay I would forever be indebted

-Queen Frigga Of Asgard



Odin went down to the dungeons early in the morning. He told the guard to open the cell that his adopted son Loki was in. Loki was sitting in a chair reading. He didn’t even notice when the cell opened. “Get up,” Odin commanded. “After all this time and now you come to visit me why?” Loki asks not even looking up from his book. “I’ve decided you’re done with this cell.” Loki looks up at Odin. “Instead you will be sent to Midgard where you will learn to care about someone other than yourself or you will spend the rest of your days there,” Odin says matter-of-factly. 

“Now get up!” Loki stands up so he’s looking down on Odin. “Guards!” Three guards run-up to Loki and put chains on him. They lead him to the Bifrost. “Goodbye, my son,” Odin bids. “I’m no son of yours!” Odin takes Loki’s power then activates the Bifrost. Odin pushes Loki through.



Elsa stands there in shock after reading the letter. Elsa gets dressed. There’s a knock on her door.

“Queen Elsa something very strange is happening,” A guard informs her. Elsa sighs. “I’m coming.” Elsa walks out of her room. “Where?” “Just outside the palace gates.” Elsa walks out of the palace gates and stands there in shock. “Who are you?!” “I am Loki Of Asgard,” Loki growls angrily. Elsa sighs. “Prince Loki?” Loki grins evilly. “Yes, that is me. I demand a place to stay.” Elsa laughs. “You can’t demand anything. Your title means nothing here.” Loki grabs Elsa’s neck and raises her up into the air. 

“I said I needed a place to stay!” Elsa grabs Loki’s arm and tries to freeze him but nothing happens. “W-why won’t this work!”  Elsa says gasping for breath. Elsa creates an icicle with the other hand. She stabs Loki’s arm forcing him to let go of her. “How?” Loki asks amazed. “My powers.” Loki pulls the icicle out of his arm and rips a piece of his shirt and puts it on the wound. He holds it on the wound applying pressure to it. He examines the icicle. “Hm interesting… I can still feel your magic coming off of it,” Loki mumbles to himself. Loki throws the icicle to the side. 

“Anyway, there is still the matter of where I’m going to stay,” Loki growls. Elsa sighs. “I’m only doing this because your mother is so kind,” Elsa informs him, “You may stay with me but only because I love your mother. But I promise you if you even look at Anna I'll rip your eyes out of their sockets!" 

Before Loki could ask about what Elsa said about his mother Olaf walked up.

"Elsa, is everything alright?" The snowman walked to his creator and friend.

"What in Odin's beard is that?!" Exclaimed Loki jumping back in shock before he regained his composure.

"Oh hello, my name is Olaf and I like warm hugs" the snowman smiled holding out his arms waiting for a hug. 

"How is this possible? You're made of snow, yet you're alive?" Loki stared at Olaf confused then looked to Elsa for answers. 

"A year ago I lost control of my powers and during that time I made Olaf, I'm not entirely sure how but when I made him he came to life" Elsa explained smiling down at him before looking up at Loki. "Now if you're finished staring at my friend I'll take you to your room." 

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