I'll Never Forget Her Life

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Just three minutes till the school bell rings and the week will finally be over. I've been waiting what feels like forever for this moment. I can't wait to have two days to just get away from these people.  They make my life a living hell just by hearing them call my name, even just by seeing their faces, and it all started back in elementary school.

'Tick' 'Tock' 'Tick' Tock'

I tapped my pencil eraser on the hard cover of my history book loudly to the beat of the clock tick-ing. I glanced around me, at all the other people in my class, they were sitting, talking to their friends, just making time pass by as best as they could, the only way they knew how. I stared back down at my fingers, making my pencil move up and down hitting against my book..'when does this end?' I thought to myself.

"So what are your plans for the weekend, Taya? over-dosing on some diet pills, or finding some more spots on your wrists to cut?" a girl said from behind me, i rolled my eyes and tried to ignore her "go drink some bleach, bitch" another girl said to me. It hurts so bad, it's like a lash whipping through your insides to hear this, for most people. But not me. I've gotten used to it over time, it just never stops anymore. "When do you quit?" I muttered under my breath.

A loud ring filled the room, inurrupting everyone's chatter, they all stood up, grabbed their binders, books, and everything else you would bring normally to class and all piled out through the door at once. I was normally one of the last people to leave, I tried to avoid attention from most of them, they don't like me as much as I don't like them. What i did to them? nothing. i didn't do anything, but be myself until he called me out. I passed through the halls, everyone bumping into each other trying to make their ways as fast as they could to get to their lockers, i passed by everyone, trying to make things silent in my head. No. All I hear is "your fat" "ugly" "ew" "go cut yourself" "drink bleach" "your still alive? damn" "you don't deserve to eat you fat pig" it was like a record player, slowly playing over, and over again in my mind, my body absorbing it all. I swiftly made my way to my locker, twisting the nob to the sound of my combination playing through my head 'right-03-left-24-right-17' the lock clicked, I lifted the latch and swung my door open, trying to gather my things as fast as I could.

"Hey Taya!" I heard a farmiliar voice say from on the other side of my locker, I peeked around the door to see who it was, it was one of my best friends - Molly - She had long, dark brown hair that went to her elbows, and beautiful green eyes with a grey kind-of tint to them, her lips were a soft pink color, she's really tan, all the time, most girls were jealous of how gorgeous she is, and I do have to admit, I was one of those girls. 

"Hey Molly!!" I threw on the fakest smile I could, trying to sound excited and threw my arm around her, pulling her into a half-hug

"How was your day? oh! hurry up! don't forget, your mom told you that right after school you have that old people thing to go to!" Des jumped out from behind her, he had golden brown, messy, curly hair and chocolate brown eyes with almost a golden sparkle to them. he was just a skin tone lighter than Molly. 

    I threw my back-pack over my shoulder and tried my best to look cheery, hiding my pain and hurt from them. "I still don't get why you guys can't come with me to that, I mean what am I gonna do? hangout with my moms friends? I doubt they'll have people my age, and I doubt they'll like me if they do have kids" I whined slamming my locker door shut and began walking through the halls with my two best friends

"Don't worry Taya, you'll be fine, you have your phone right? just text us if you get bored, we're gonna be at the movies but i'm sure we'll feel the vibration of our phones..and plus what do you have to worry about anyway? everyone likes you!" Molly re-asurred me. so yeah, maybe I haven't told them about my whole big huge.."life"..problem, but who am I kidding? I haven't told anyone anything. "Yeah" I muttered to myself, Des crashed open the school doors, we said our good-bye's with Des and Molly quickly discussing their movie hangout details. I stood their silently for a few minutes until Molly had headed in the other direction and Des and I started on our way to mine and his house.

Des didn't live with me. No. he's my neighbour, we've been best friends since we were just little and then we met Molly at elementary school. we were like a pack, our own little group. we told each other everything- well..except me. I hide things so well from people, it won't matter who you are, you can never tell what I feel.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2012 ⏰

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