Vacation Part 1

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Vacation 🙃 Part 1
You were at work at your desk. The day was dragging. You wanted to go home. Your boss can by. 'Y/n. Do you have those files I asked you for?' "Oh. Uh yeah. Here you go." 'Thanks. Next time bring them to me when you're done.' "You got it boss." You needed a break. Work was stressful and it seemed like life was getting away from you. You've always wanted to travel but never had the time. You thought. 'Maybe a cruise?' Some time out on the ocean might be nice. Soak up the sun and maybe read a book. You looked around in hopes of your boss not walking around. You looked up cruises and searched the prices and destination. Hawaii, Alaska, Cabo, the Caribbean. "Hmmm what to chose." You looked and figured to go to the Caribbean. You've Always wanted to go. You got up and went to your managers office. "Hey boss." 'Y/n. What can I help you with?' "I need to put some time off in." 'Okay. No problem. When?' "I was thinking a week from now. And about 5-6 days...." 'Okay. I'll let you know.' "Thank you." You went home and bought the ticket anyway. You needed some time away from work and the same ole same ole. You went in the next day to work. Around the end of the day your boss came up to you. 'Y/n...I approved your days. And I put your days off for after your 6 have a nice 8 day vacation.' "Thank you so much. I appreciate it!" 'No problem. Keep up the good work.' You were excited. Extra days and a compliment. 'Wow. My lucky day!' You thought.
(2 Weeks Later)
You were getting ready to leave. You boarded the ship and walked around. You spun around and walked backwards. You bumped into someone. "Omg I'm so sorry!" 'Oh don't worry about.......' you turned and saw a gorgeous woman. 'Hi.' "Hi there. I'm very sorry for bumping into you....this is so breathtaking!" 'Never been on a cruise before?' "Nope. First time." 'Where's your boyfriend/girlfriend?' "Oh I'm here alone." 'Me too actually. I just needed to get away from my life.' "I feel you there." She stuck her hand out. 'Sorry I'm Demi by the way....what do you do for work?' "Hi. I'm y/n....I work in an office building....for a private investigator." 'Interesting....' "sometimes." 'Well it was nice to meet you! I'm gonna go to my room now.' "Sounds good. Nice to meet you Demi......."

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