Closed Space

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Pentatonix had just finished performing; it was late and they were completely jet lagged. They were in Toronto, Canada performing for a small group of people. They had sung quite a few songs and everyone was really tired. They were all heading back to the hotel now.

They all climbed into a taxi, it was a tight fit but they managed to all squeeze in. Kevin stayed in the front since he was the biggest, Kirstie sat in the middle, Avi sat on her left and Scott sat on the right with Mitch placed on his lap. It wasn't weird though because they were best friends. It was quiet for the first five minutes until Avi decided to break the silence.

"Are you guys hungry?" He asked the group.

"Yess!!!" Kirstie and Kevin yelled in unison.

Avi looked at Scott and Mitch, they were really squished together. "How about you guys? Do you wanna grab something to eat?" Scott looked at Mitch, he looked really tired. He saw him shake his head no. "No thanks, we'll just order some room service, we're super tired. You guys can go ahead, could you just drop us off first?" Scott responded to Avi since he could tell that Mitch wasn't up for it.

Avi nodded and told the taxi man their decisions. They drove a little while longer in a comfortable silence until they reached the hotel. Mitch got out first with Scott right behind him. They waved to their band members and wished them a good meal. Mitch walked with Scott towards the entrance. They pushed through the doors and made their way to the elevator.

They got in and pushed the button for their floor. It was incredibly quiet, not even any cheesy elevator music was playing. Scott wanted to break the silence, but he knew that a boring conversation wouldn't really make Mitch's mood better.

As Scott opened his mouth to say something the elevator suddenly stopped. They wobbled a little because of the impact.

"What was that?!?" Mitch asked worriedly. His eyes were searching around frantically as if he would find the answer written somewhere on the wall.

Scott shrugged "I don't know, maybe the elevator is stuck?" Mitch locked eyes with him. He looked scared.

"WHAT!?!?" He started breathing heavily "No no no!!!! We CAN'T be stuck!!!" He backed up towards the corner of the elevator and ran his hand through his hair. Scott approached him carefully. "A-Are you okay?" He asked concerned. He put his hand on Mitch's shoulder.

Mitch pulled away violently "OF COURSE I'M NOT OKAY!!!! WERE STUCK IN A FUCKING METAL DEATH TRAP!!!" He snapped at Scott. Mitch's whole body was trembling and his voice was shaking. He broke down and started crying, sliding down the wall to be seated down crumpled on the floor.

Scott looked at him with a little bit of shock and mostly worry. Mitch had never snapped at him like that. There must be something seriously wrong. He crouched down in front of him. "Mitch...." He reached out and touched his arm. Mitch had his face buried in his knees and his arms wrapped around them. He was crying uncontrollably. "....What's wrong hun?" He asked him as softly and sweetly as possible. He wouldn't usually say 'hun' at all but this was a special occasion.

Mitch flinched when Scott touched him, he was having an anxiety attack. He hadn't told anyone, not even Scott, but he was claustrophobic. It was usually only on elevators so he could never stay in them for too long. This was the first time he got stuck in one and it was not helping his fear of elevators at all.

Mitch looked up at Scott slightly, his face stained with tears that kept flowing. He was still trembling and he felt bad for making Scott worry.

Scott still waited patiently for Mitch to answer. When he didn't respond he moved to Mitch's side and gently pulled him close to his body.

At first Mitch stiffened but then he slowly started to relax as he breathed in Scott's scent and listened to his heart beat against his ribcage. His whole body eventually relaxed completely and he was no longer holding onto his knees for dear life, instead he grabbed on to Scott's waist and buried his face into his chest. He was still trembling slightly but the crying had stopped, a tear slipped down occasionally but he was better.

Scott let Mitch cling to him, he held one of his hands while the other one played softly with his hair. He wanted to know what was wrong but he decided to wait for Mitch to tell him when he was ready.

They stayed like that for a while. Scott knew he should have called someone to let them know that they were stuck but he didn't want to ruin Mitch's position, he was just starting to calm down.

After a bit more time had passed Mitch whispered something against Scott's shirt. "What was that?" Scott asked him quietly.

"I-I said....that i'm...i'm claustrophobic...." Mitch stuttered. "Please don't hate me..." He sounded like he was on the verge of crying again.

Scott pushed his hair back and kissed him on the forehead. "Why on earth would I hate you?" Scott squeezed his hand for comfort. Mitch looked up at him. He noticed that Scott looked pretty tired, probably as tired as him.

"Well I caused you to worry, and your probably really tired and you have to deal with my phobia and I also didn't tell you earlier" Mitch mumbled into Scott's shirt again. Scott chuckled lightly "I would never hate you because of that....I promise...I'll always love you the way you are." Scott pulled him tighter to his chest and Mitch held on tighter as well.

"Thanks for always being there for me Scott. I really love you." He closed his eyes and sighed deeply, Mitch had calmed down considerably. He seemed to be falling asleep.

Scott checked his watch, it was 3:39AM. He hadn't noticed that they were in the elevator for so long. He slowly let go of Mitch's hand so that he could use his phone and contact someone to help them. He texted Kirstie so that he wouldn't wake Mitch up. She texted back saying that help was on its way. Thank god.

Twenty minutes after he texted Kirstie he heard some noise outside. The doors were slowly starting to open, they were being pulled apart with a crowbar. Mitch was still asleep even from all the commotion. He must be very exhausted.

Scott saw Kirstie, Avi and Kevin standing on the other side of the elevator. Once the doors were opened he slowly stood up and picked up Mitch as well, he was as careful as possible. Even though he knew he wouldn't wake up. He held him bridal style and walked out of the 'metal death trap' as Mitch put it.

"Oh my god!! Are you two okay?!?" She whispered and gently hugged the both of them. Avi and Kevin looked at both of them with concern waiting for Scott to answer Kirstie.

Scott nodded. "Yeah we're okay, he fell asleep a little while ago. I'm just going to take him to our room now, we're both extremely exhausted."

"Do you want any help?" Kevin whispered.

"No i'll be fine. You guys should get some rest too. We'll talk tomorrow morning...or afternoon." Scott started walking towards the stairs. He made it to their floor which conveniently was close by and walked towards their hotel room. He swiped the keycard and made his way inside.

Scott approached Mitch's bed and gently placed him down. He was about to turn to his bed when he felt a hand gently grab his wrist. "Please....stay with me..." Mitch looked at him with a tired but pleading look. Scott sighed and climbed in bed next to him. He pulled Mitch to his chest and kissed his forhead once again. He entertwined his fingers with Mitch's.

"I'll always stay with you." Scott whispered softly into his ear. They both fell asleep in each other's arms, listening to each other breath and breathing in the other's scent.


A/N: The sequel "Open Space" is up!!! Go check it out please!!!

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