Chapter 1: Before The Storm

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            I hate kids. They are the absolute worst. Especially high school kids. Now don't get me wrong, there's a select few who enjoy learning, but the rest? All they wanna do is party and do drugs. I am one of the few who enjoy school. I love learning new things and being exposed to new people and ideas.

            My best friend, Kyle, is nothing like these kids. He's kind and smart and deserves the world. I never understood how one could be so nice after everything he has been through. Even after all the shit that could have turned him into an asshole, he didn't let it. He is the nicest person you will ever meet. He will not hesitate to stop what he is doing to help someone in need. He absolutely adores everyone, he sees the good in EVERY PERSON (which is kind of shitty because people suck, and will not hesitate to use anyone to get what they want). Anyway, Ky's my best friend. I tell him everything, except for the fact that I'm dying. And I have absolutely no idea how I am going to tell him that. I don't even know how to explain something I don't understand either. But what I do understand, is that there's absolutely no way to cure me.

Not even a sliver of a chance.

            They've tried everything. Nothing helps. And I'm not getting any better. I'm dying and there's nothing anyone can do to save me. I'll tell Ky soon, i just want us to have one more normal hangout, just one more.

            "Hey Ky, what are you doing tonight?" I'm speaking too softly, it sounds like I'm speaking to a child.

            "C'mon dude, what do you think I'm doing tonight?" he's laughing, he has the deepest dimples, "I'm not doing anything, wassup?"

           "Do you want to hang out tonight?, maybe watch a movie? Or play video games?" I'm fidjiting with my book, a nervouse habit, jesus fuck.

           "Of Course dude! As long as I get to pick the movie! Right after school?" He's so excited.

And I'm terrified.

        "Yea, right after school, and of course you can pick the movie." I sound more normal now. But i'm still

absolutely terrified.


            Malachi is hiding something. We've been friends since fifth grade, I know when he's hiding something. Hell, I can read him like an open book. When he's nervous or scared he fidjits with anything at his hands, usually whatever book he is reading at the moment. Malachi always has a book, no matter what. He's constantly reading and I adore that. Malachi is the only person i've truly trusted over the six years i've known him. But maybe that's because I am hopelessly in love with him.

           Granted, he doesn't know that, and I am absolutely terrified to tell him. I have loved this boy for as long as I remember. I just don't know if he feels the same or if he's even gay or bi. What I do know, is that he makes me so happy, so unbelievably happy. I have to tell him tonight, I just need one more normal hangout. Just one before I potentially ruin everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2020 ⏰

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