So I was at my friend's house where they had a horse ranch and I went horseback riding and then I was about to go canoeing when my mom said I had to go to camp. And at camp it was my cousin but with Tamise's head. And in the room next door was my friend from the beginning of the dream and all the counselors were key staff and the person who shared my room with is really physically active and one day she was walking and then there is a snapping sound and she started holding on to her thigh.and I kept on asking her what was wrong and she didn't say anything until we arrived to the bathroom where she sat and then moved her hand and she had broken her thigh bone.
Then I was walking in a hallway and I was looking for my mom and I appeared in our living room and she was sitting on the couch, but there was no couch and she had my phone and was deleting apps and had these dark blue and red apps with little cartoon people on them and I asked her what she was doing and she said I was gonna be homeschooled.