It began here. ⏳⌛️

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My name is Bo. I've lived in England for a long time now, I haven't really been anywhere else then there, and Ireland. I'm single. It's pitiful. I have Brown Hair, Brown Eyes, and I'm not tan but I'm not pale. I'm also only 5'3. Lots of people at my school think I'm a fucking crazy bitch. I've gotten into a lot of fights in my life, this new school year I've only been in three, and we started this last Wednesday. That's not to bad for me. My mom is sick, and my dad is a drunk, and my brothers, well there just like him, my sister, I'm glad she's the sane one, well we both are except she's not a fighter like me, she's into the books and shit, were twins I don't believe I mentioned that. Well there's triplets actually but uh my Birth Mother gave us away and my sister Leo got split up from me and my sister Hannah. Were doing really good on our own, we actually just got an apartment before school started again. It's fun, you can drink, eat, do, and say what you want. We were having fun but school started. I'm thinking about dropping out, I mean I already have a job, and I'm 17 so what the fuck does it matter, right? Hannah is 15 so she can't really do anything with her life right now, and if I ever got to meet Leo she'd be 16. I'm the oldest as you can tell. Anyways on with the story.


"Hannah, I'm leaving for school, I'll be dropping out today, I'm forging the names of mom and dad. So get your ass down here so I can take you to school." I yelled at Hannah from the living room."I'll be down in a second I'm on the phone, they found out some things about Leo!" She yelled enthusiastically."Well I'm giving you at least fifteen minutes Hannah, school is about to start and I don't want you to be late." I tell her. "Okay I'll be down by then, and after school we need to go pick up my laptop so I can find some shit out Bo, cause I really want to meet Leo." She screamed. "Alright Hannah, I have already told you that I would take you by the Verizon place, you don't have to repeat it every fucking second." I yelled back. "Well I was just reminding you, damn." She screamed at me once again. "How many times have I told you to watch your fucking mouth, huh? How many times Hannah?" I retaliated. " I'm 15 about to be 16 pretty soon I'll be doing what I want all the time." She says with her hands on her hips. "Well I hate to break it to you but that time is not right now, so get your shit and get your ass down here." I yelled up the stairs repeating her action I put my hands on my hips. "Give me a minute, shit." She mumbled under her breathe. "Whatever I'll be in the car." I say while grabbing the keys off the table near the door.

I get in my car and start the engine thinking maybe this will make her come rushing out of the door, to my disadvantage it doesn't happen. I end up waiting another 30 minutes for Hannah, so she is late for school. "Now look what you've gone and did, your late for school dammit, what am I supposed to tell them Hannah, it's your first fucking day!" I yell at her in the from the drivers seat. "Look I'm sorry Bo, I wanted to look good." She says looking at me like it was obvious why she was gonna be late. " I understand that but did you really have to take an extra 30 minutes?" I question her. " Well I mean no, but I was just, I'm sorry okay, gosh." She says flustered. "It's okay." I say while pulling into the school parking lot.

We both get hot and head for the main office which is in the total opposite side, so end up having to get back in the car and driving to the other side if the campus. We get out once again and head for the main office once again, and once we finally make it through the door, I remember that I need to forge the papers I don't know how I was gonna do that, but I will figure it out I always do.
"Bo..Bo!" I hear someone screaming. I must have been to caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even here Hannah yelling my name.
"Uh yah, what sorry." I apologize to Hannah. "The secretary has been asking you the same question for about 5 minutes." She says while giggling. "Oh right, sorry once again, uh anyways as your were saying." I look at her expectantly. She nods at Hannah before handing her the schedule for her classes, Hannah gladly takes them and then turns swiftly on one heel and exits the room without another word.
"Well Ms. Thompson, Hannah told me that you wanted to drop out?" She says while her hand is being brought up to grab a pen. "Uh yah, I do want to drop out, but uh my parents aren't in the picture like at all so I was just wandering if you know I didn't have to get them to sign..." I say awkwardly not wanting to bring up the topic of my parents. "Of course Ms. Thompson, I understand your terms, but that's the law do you have anyone that takes care of you?" She says with wide eyes. "Uh well sometimes my grandma does, but she just sends money and such." I explain to her. "So here's the plan you mail her this form and let her know what to sign, when she's done with all the paper work and it's on my desk you may be dropped out, but until then, I'm afraid you'll have to deal with school." She says while putting the pen back in it's original spot. " Okay I'll just take my schedule then, and I'll drop by after my last hour and get the forms then." I was telling her my strategy. All she did was nod and say, "I'll see you after school Ms. Thompson." And then she escorted me out of her office. This was going to be hell on earth if I didn't get those papers signed.

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