Chapter 1: Making My Way Downtown

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Normally this day is like any other but it is just the second monthsary of her engagement. Well, at least it was the second month since the guy actually proposed; their engagement had begun before they were born. Michelle started packing her bags as she was on her way to her apartment. She had kissed her mom goodbye and drove away. As the long miles took her time, the ring on her hand took her thoughts. She switched the radio on and sang along, "Look at the Stars, look how they shine for you..." The song Yellow by Coldplay seemed to be the perfect song to take her mind off. It was a hopeful tune and college showed promise for Michelle; she was entering her dream university with the course she was passionate for. Her cell phone suddenly rang, "Don't you worry, there my honey, we might not have any mo-"

"Hello?... Yes, I'm on my way... I know dear... I'm excited too!... Well, umm... Yeah!... After unpacking maybe we can catch a movie... School shopping? Really?... Okay, I'm driving I'll just meet you there!... Love ya lots!"

She finally arrives after an hour of driving and listening to the radio. Suddenly the door of her unit busts open and out comes Lana in her usual loose sleeveless shirt, shorts and boots.

"Finally, what took you so long?"

"The usual, traffic.” Michelle giggled.

"I think you mean heavy traffic."

"Same banana." As she said that last phrase, she shrugged; then she screamed and ran into her best friend's arms.

"I missed you bitch! You haven't been answering your phone all summer, what's been happening lately?” Lana said as she started carrying the bags to their room.

"Just the usual family drama." Michelle started unpacking.

"Oh come on Michelle, nothing's just usual with your family drama. Spill it!”

She laughed, it was true. Changing the topic, she asked, "Lana, I thought you said you wanted to go school shopping?”

"Too late bitch, you took so long!” she laughed so hard it was heard in the entire apartment.

"Hey! Keep your voice down!” somebody shouted.

"Sorry!" The two girls said in unison.

"So, tell me what happened over the summer that you went AWOL on me?” Lana whispered adding a hint of concern.

Michelle defensibly said, "Hey, I didn't go totally AWOL; I was with you when I found this apartment!"

"But that was before graduation, you didn't talk to me again until two weeks ago!"

"Well I was busy with my grandfathers; you know what happens during the summer."

"Yeah but it's never gotten to a point where you never texted nor called."

"Lanette Angelica Mendoza Parker, are you being a clingy virgin?” she giggled but she suddenly stopped.

"So what bitch, we're using full names now?” suddenly there was hostility between the two.

"Because, Michelle Anne Sy Keeler, I'm not the one who's still a virgin around here!” the smirking Lana said.

"Oh my God, Lana, any louder my mother could've heard you, besides it's not on the top of my priorities."

"Top of your priorities? Are you serious? Well now it's officially mine: challenge accepted.” they both giggled.

"So, are we going to get out of here or what?” Michelle said while brushing her dark brown hair.

"Definitely, let's go!” Lana said hurriedly as she switched off all electric appliances.

"So you went with 'The Thing'?", she said while entering Michelle's car.

"It was the best thing that my mom could afford. I didn't want to burden her with the extra cost, when this was totally fine."

"Oh, Michelle, sometimes you're just such a drama queen. Here your mom was ready to pay every cent in whatever you wanted for your graduation and you chose second hand."

"Hey it isn't that bad and shhh it can hear you.” she says while she rubs the hood.

They just laughed. This is why this pair always worked so well; it may not seem so but Lana had a way of making deep conversation, light, while Michelle just needed the light conversations coming from a pretty deep background. Sometimes their personalities rubbed on each other and when they needed to talk deep, where Michelle would avoid, Lana was frank. Lana pointed out the place she's been to recently. They parked nearby and they walked amidst the playground that had colorful swings, slides and monkey bars. Suddenly the melody of an ice cream truck was in the area. Once they got their chocolate flavored ice cream they sat on the green gas. Because of global warming and summer was just ending, their ice creams were melting at a faster pace. Michelle's ice cream was starting to drip going down the cone passing through her fingers. As Lana was laughing and about to tell her friend about the messy situation, she noticed something.

"Oh holy shit on a ring on your finger, what the fuck is that?"

"It's a ring, Lana, don't over-react.", Michelle said monotonously.

"Overreact? My best friend is fucking 17, she is nowhere close to be legally aged to marry and she has a fucking ring on her finger, the worst part is that she had no lady guts to tell her best friend."

"I'm sorry! I was going to tell you, it's just I didn't know what to say."

"Wow, Michelle, I see you have changed a lot over the past summer."

"Come on Lana, you know it's pretty hard from my side."

"Still, I thought I was your best friend."

"I'm sorry okay, here, I'll explain..."

"It started after graduation..."

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