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To everyone who's reading this, also check out http://bbbracelets.webs.com! You won't regret it! (I don't care if you do.)


Chapter 1

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” I glared at my older sister, Kelsey, with disgust.

“What’s it to you?” she panted while continuing to dance in my doorway.

WHAT’S IT TO ME?” I bellowed. “You’ve brought your ugly self,” I paused dramatically and hit my left index finger with my right one for good measure. “And your bad dance moves into my room just to annoy me!” I hit my middle finger this time to represent two.

“Jeez, stop PMSing. It’s not just to annoy you, I have other reasons.”

“If you don’t like my PMSing, then just GET OUT!” I pushed her out and slammed the door putting air quotes around the word PMSing.

Pushing my smooth, dark brown, naturally streaked blond hair over my right shoulder, I returned to my touch-screen computer (FULL DESCRIPTION: COMPUTER SCREEN IN MY WALL WITH SEPARATE TOUCH SCREEN IN MY DESK THAT WAS A KEYBOARD). I typed “wish i had a sister who was”- But nobody ever got to know because at the exact moment I was thinking about what to type, my mom shouted angrily, “Kristen, GET DOWN HERE!”

Reluctantly, I heaved myself off my chair and slowly walked into the hallway that led me to the stairs. When I reached the first floor my mom was waiting for me on our purple couch. The expression on her face was the same as when she acted all business-like to get the lady at the store to take her expired grocery coupons.

I stopped walking at the foot of the stairs and asked lazily, “Yes?” Seeing her business face and folded arms, I smiled and added, “Mommy?”

“Kelsey is your older sister, that means she was born before you, and therefore she has power over you. Do you understand that?”

“Sure, that’s what the term, “Older” means, do you understand that?” I decided to completely ignore her business look because this feud was about Kelsey. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and revealed an old gum wrapper. I brought it up to my nose to sniff it, but my ever-so-polite mother interrupted my smelling-old-gum-wrapper-session.

“I don’t need sass from you, Kristen Anabelle Vejsicky. And not the answer I was looking for.” She shook her with disappointment as she saw what I was sniffing. She said, “Does that not even tell you something? I thought this wasn’t going to happen after last time.”

Was I not a good daughter if this talk didn't affect me whatsoever? “I didn't think so either. But she was making me mad-"

“Even if she was, you're the younger sister and you need to respect Kelsey. If she's ignoring what you're saying, you come and tell me because I, unlike you, am allowed to yell at her,” she interrupted. Gee, thanks, Mom.

“You said that last time. So I went and told you, but you said that Kelsey was my older sister and she could stay in my room whenever she liked.”

"I don't remember that."

I wasn't surprised. Kelsey probably had her in a trance when she told me. After all, her eyes were gray and silvery when she did. "That was yesterday," I paused, "Mom."

She unfolded her arms and placed them on her hips. “You know what, the point is, If you want her to stop going in your room, you tell me, do you understand? Kelsey is your older sister, and you need to respect that," she reminded me yet again. "You can’t boss her around, okay?” she said in a slightly softer tone.

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