Entry Nine

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Why aren’t all classes pass or fail? Why fog up everything with numbers and letters that stress everyone? What is the difference between an A and a B except one point? Does that decide the ability of the student or the knowledge that they hold? Why not do away with all the fog. Let us walk freely and in the open. Don’t mask the path. Don't mask the Road.

Driver’s Ed is pass or fail. I like Driver’s Ed. I passed Driver’s Ed and have earned my permit. Driving is different in practice than it is in textbooks. They teach us that we have little time to think. They tell us that we need to think of hundreds of things in a short amount of time.

Is there someone behind me? Am I turning? The light turned red. Now green. This light has been green for awhile. Wait! It’s yellow! Do I stop? Too late. The person cut me off! Why is this person on my tail? Look at the beautiful countryside. Is that kid going to run into the street? Is that car going to let me go? Will this light ever turn green? Sweat is dripping. Turn on the AC. I don’t like this song. My phone buzzed. Finally, the light is green! That car is turning left. Do I have the right of way? There is a stop sign. I should stop. Too late! Screeeeeech.

Another day, another road. Another path. Another way of life. The Road stretches on before me. I sit resolutely behind the wheel. I will master the Road. Master the Road, master Life. The Road of Life. Life is a road. Curved and sometimes straight. With turns and dead-ends. Speed bumps. Deterrents. The Road is placed before me. I must simply drive. Follow the yellow lines. Stay in-between. There is no switching lanes on a two lane road. 

The only difference between the Road and Life is that on the Road, you can turn around.

Thomas Hickory

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