Part 1

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Anna's POV

It was a usual day at work. I just sit and do nothing. Nobody really visits bookshop often. I looked at couple of people through the glass who were reading. That room was separated because it needs to be silent and the books for buying... Well here plays music, so this would have "comforting feeling" as my boss would like to say. I was looking through some magazine as I heard the doorbell ring as I looked up seeing three guys walk in. They looked... Like someone who wouldn't really come here but they went to the music disks section. They were all wearing baggy clothes, beanies. They looked like someone who likes to smoke weed on weekends. I sighed and went back to my magazine.

"Are you crazy?" One of them said loudly as another guy hushed him. I looked at them as all three of them stared at me and turned away.

Jesse's POV

I looked at Badger angrily.

"Listen. Here is a great place. No one is looking and there is like no people." I whispered as Badger and Skinny Pete nodded.

"Okay. Here's the money." Badger gave all of it from him and Pete. I counted it before looking around.

"Oh god. That cashier. She's so pretty." Badger said staring at her. Talking way too loud. I looked at her as I couldn't look away either.

"Man, she looks like some angel. Yo. Maybe she is an angel?" Pete said as we all stared at her like some creeps. She was pretty and all. But she looked young as hell. Like she's still in school. I shook my head and went back to counting money.

"She ain't that pretty." I said as Badger looked at me confused.

"Do you two think she would go out with me?"

"Nah man. You need someone with big tits, big ass. This? She will cry after you fuck her because you tell her you won't see her anymore. Been there." I said staring at her as she looked at all of us as we turned around from her. I gave Skinny Pete and Badger their drugs.

"But Jesse. Look at her. I feel like I'm falling in love with her just by looking at her." Badger kept saying this bullshit that made me mad.

"Go talk to her then, yo." Skinny Pete said as I nodded.

" I Should?" He looked at both of us panicked as we nodded. He stood there for a moment as he went to her. They talked as we couldn't hear. She shook her head giving a shy smile. Badger nodded and went to us. We stared at him as he didn't say anything.

"So?" Pete asked as he shook his head. I snorted.

"Let me show you how to get a girl, genius." I said as I went to her.

"Hey." I said as she looked up at me putting away her magazine.

"Hello." She smiled and stood up as I smirked.

"Listen... I.." I lost my sentence looking into her eyes. They were surely beautiful. So, so beautiful. I looked at her lips as I lost my breath.

"Um, sir?" She asked as I snapped out of it. I coughed quietly.

"I was looking for something but I don't seem to find it. So I think only you can help me with it." I smirked as she smiled and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion for a second.

"Okay... What is it?" She put her hand on the counter.

"Your number."

I stared at her as her smile went away. Slowly her lips went into a smirk.

"Sorry. That is not available here. Try in some other shop." She raised her eyebrow as I bit my bottom lip.

"Oh really? Should I ask your boss...?" I trailed off as she sighed.

"Listen. I just said no to your friend, don't think I will go for you." She said leaning in closer to my face as my smile went away.

"Come on. Yo, one date." I said as she shook her head and sat back into her chair. "Do you have a boyfriend or something?" I asked as she looked at me.

"No. I'm not looking for a relationship. And you guys should know there are cameras here. So whatever you were doing there behind that shelve, from me, that is in security cameras."

"Wha-" I looked around seeing cameras. I looked at her. "Why the hell bookstore need cameras?" I asked as she chuckled.

"Books are expensive, dumbass." She picked her magazine.

"One date. I will pay, pick you up. Everything." I said even though I had nothing right now. That bastard Tuco.

"I said no." She said. I stared at her as I took away her magazine and picked a pen. I wrote down my number. The new house's too. Where I moved in like yesterday. I gave it back to her as she looked at it.

"What did you not understand-"

"I'm Jesse." I cut her off smirking.

"You know what? Fine. I'll contact you." She said and sat down as I grinned like an idiot and left the store signing for them to follow me.

"She said yes to you??" Badger yelled as I turned around at both of my friends.

"Yeah. See what I did there? That's called flirting. You will learn, man. You still got time." I said as we left off to our ways.

Anna's POV

I was sitting in balcony, smoking. I stared at the number. I don't know what to do. He was pretty cute. But a drug dealer... I lied about the cameras. They don't work but I knew exactly what they were doing. Probably weed. I breathed out smoke as my friend, roommate, came in.

"Hey, you alright?" Nadine asked.

"What? Yeah. Of course." I looked away from her because she knew me way to well. I glanced at the magazine.

"Okay. What's this then?" She picked up the magazine, talking about the number on it. Of course she noticed. Sometimes I feel like she isn't human. With her super powers like this. She can see right through me which is the most annoying and the best thing.

"A number..." I said as she signaled for me to continue. "Of a guy. I met him at the bookshop today."

"Oh my god! Yes!!" She sat down next to me squealing like a little girl. This was a reaction that I didn't want to see.

"Stop. I'm sure he's a junkie or something, maybe even a drug dealer. It seemed like that. And he's not hot or even cute. He's not someone I would date but he begged and wouldn't leave if I didn't agree on one date."

"That's cute when you actually like someone. I never thought that day will come." She chuckled as I pushed her gently.

"Stop. I do not like him!" I said as she chuckled again.

"You don't even know him! Give him a chance. He can't be that bad if you agreed." She said as I sighed and lighted on another cigarette. We stayed in silence for a while.

"His eyes are really beautiful." I said quietly looking at my hands.

"Told you he got your eye." She said as we both looked at each other.

I will continue this if I see this part 1 goes well. Please leave a comment!

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