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I live in a world where you know when you die, not how you die but exactly when. well I'm 17 and I only have one day left. some people say that you should live everyday like it is your last but I didn't, I went about my day like nothing was going to happen. I got up, I went to school, I came home, i did my homework, I had dinner, and I went to bed at 9:00pm like always. what everyone didn't know was I was counting down the hours, minutes, and secends before I was to die, starting with hours until I only had one left, minutes until there was only one, and finally seconds. counting down from 60 and as I watched the ticks go by i didn't realise that I had begun to count out loud along with the clock hanging on the wall. as the seconds passed each one got slower like the world was trying to stop my death, but like all good things it had to come to an end. the last 5 seconds felt like minutes of there own as they ticked out
5    4      3        2          1
than it stopped and I thought that it had ended, that I had died. I was confused because how did I actually die, there was nothing that could have killed me. so I layed there wondering if this was it, this was the great thing you get on the other side. I thought that till I heard the ticking of the clock, I sat up looking around the room that bolted out of bed running to the bathroom only to see that nothing had happened. I splashed water on my face, trying to calm myself down. when I was more calm I went back to my room and texted my best friend, the only person I trusted with the truth about my death. I got a reply almost instantly. at first she asked if this was some game and that I was dead but when I sent her a picture of myself with the time right next to me telling her that I did survive, she asked me so many questions, none of which I could answer.
it been about a year, and I hadn't changed at all most people around me had changed in some way but I looked the exact same as I did a year earlier. I was the same height, I was the same weight, and I had the exact same features that I had.

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