Chapter One

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Klaus threw a vase across the room and watched as it broke into thousands of pieces. It wasn't supposed to be like this! He paced the room and pulled on his hair while silently crying. He needed her. No one knew about his mate; he wouldn't let anyone know. Being who he was meant that he had many enemies who would seize any weakness of his. "Love is a vampire's greatest weakness" he couldn't remember how many times he told that to people. It was the line he told Rebekah after he killed one of her pathetic boyfriends. Once he met Bella, he knew he was wrong. Love made him strong and gave him something to fight for. All those years and he only managed to get it half right. Love wasn't the greatest weakness, love apart was. That wasn't even true though. Yes, he was crying in a room all alone in an empty house, but he was also more alert and ready for anything that came his way. What he thought would break him only made him more cunning as he desperately thought of a way to get Bella back sooner.

The witch had been clear, "Go near her before her nineteenth birthday and she dies." She laughed gleefully and only seemed to laugh more when he screamed angrily and appeared right in front of her, "Ah ah ah!" She wagged a finger in his face, "Hurt me and you hurt her! You wouldn't want to kill your own mate now would you?" He fumed at her but was not willing to test if her words were true or not. He couldn't risk hurting Bella.

He took off immediately after threatening the insolent witch and looked for Bella. The witch had taken her somewhere after erasing her memories. He knew that was true because, to prove it, the witch called Bella and put it on speaker for Klaus to hear. The witch asked her if she knew Klaus Mikaelson and he felt his heart clench when she asked who in a way that might have been adorable if his heart wasn't breaking. He tried to get her to remember and called out to her but she politely informed the two that they must have gotten the wrong number after which the witch laughed and said probably before hanging up without Klaus getting to ask her where she was.

It took him two months to find her and when he did it hurt him more than the phone call.

At first, he had been so relieved that he went straight up to her, forgetting about the witch's curse. Bella started to choke on her own blood and blood started to come out of her nose and ears. Klaus immediately put distance between them and watched as it all stopped and she looked terrified at what happened. A woman came rushing outside and Bella called her mom. This shocked Klaus because he knew that Bella's parents were dead. They both died in a car crash that Bella was lucky to survive. Bella still got a little scared when she saw trucks. So this woman, whoever she was, was not Bella's mom. Why did they both think she was? Klaus could only come up with two solutions: either a vampire was helping the witch, or the witch was stronger than he would have liked.

Thinking about the stupid witch only made Klaus angrier. He picked up a table and threw it across the room like the glass and smiled as thoughts of what he could do with the splintered wood and the vermin witch went threw his mind. He often thought of how he would kill her but decided to leave it for when it happened. He found that it was always more painful when he let his emotions control how he killed his enemies.

He stopped everything when he heard someone nearing his house. No one, not even his siblings, knew about his house in Forks. After finding Bella again when she moved a year after she was taken, his fear of her leaving him was at an all time high so he had the place built so that he could be nearby without being close enough to hurt her.

Just because he wouldn't hurt Bella though, didn't means he wouldn't hurt whoever was interrupting his pity party. Fool, he thought. He was getting hungry anyways. He waiting a minute before he heard a knock. He realized that he wouldn't be getting a meal out of it because the scent told him it was a vampire. A familiar vampire.

He opened up the door and glared at the man that never seemed to not be in a suit, "What do you want Elijah?"

The man looked back calmly at Klaus, "I would like to know why you left Rebekah and Stefan at Mystic Falls and told me to meet you at home but failed to show up." He took the handkerchief that was in his hand and wiped elegantly around his mouth. Klaus then noticed the blood. Well at least someone got to feed.

He sighed. He was going to get Elijah to help with his plan when he felt a sharp pain in his mating bond that led him back to Bella, "I need your help."

"Help with what brother?" Elijah walked in the house through the gap Klaus left, "Who managed to enrage you this time?" He looked around the room and then decided to lean against a doorway and stare at Klaus.

"What I tell you must be kept secret brother. If you tell anyone..." he let the threat hang.

"I know how to keep a secret. What is it Klaus?"

"I've found my mate." For a brief moment that not even Klaus could see, the green eyed monster took over Elijah before he pushed it back.

"That is wonderful brother!" He walked toward and embraced Klaus, "What do you need my help with? Is she claimed by another?" Hearing that pissed Klaus off more than the witch so he took Elijah by surprise and flung him against the wall.

"No one will ever claim her but me!" Klaus was shaking with anger. His eyes flashed gold.

"Calm down Niklaus," Elijah said standing up and brushing himself off, "it was just a question. What is the problem? You found your mate, go get her!"

Niklaus explained the situation with the witch and the reason why he couldn't get her.

"I see." Elijah said once he was finished, "I could go get her myself and wait until the curse is over for you to come and get her."

"No." Klaus shot the idea as soon as it came. The thought of Bella spending a year with Elijah alone was making him shake even more. Elijah may be his brother, but he was still a man, "I need to make sure everything is perfect for her by the time her next birthday comes around. I sent a vampire that's sired to me to go watch her."

"Was that wise? What if the sire bond makes her or him jealous and they decide to take out Bella?"

"I was very persuasive." KlaUS said with a glint in his eye.

Elijah was taken aback, "Did you seriously sleep with the vampire you sent to watch your mate? Niklaus, you have done some terrible things but that is by far the worst!"

It was Klaus's turn to be taken aback, "I didn't sleep with her! I have a mate as you pointed out. I would never do something like that to Bella!"

Surprise flashed through Elijah's eyes, then hope; an all consuming hope because he knew then that Klaus could be redeemed, "Alright brother, what do you want me to do?"

"First, we must make a home fit for a queen, then, we need to find that witch."

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