The Lost Files of MI-6: Neon Sky

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  • Dedicated to JooEun Kim

“I’m Emmanuel Walters!” Neon shouted as he was being hit on the back with a metal rod.

“So you’re really a tough one, eh?” Said the guy who had the metal rod and hit him again

“Who are you?” Ask another guy as he punched him in the stomach

“I said I’m Emmanuel Walters.” Neon desperately persuading his assailants

“Who do you…”Unable to finish his question the assailants were shocked because one of the walls suddenly exploded

“Put your hands in the air!” Demanded a man in uniform, it was Neon’s commanding officer (C.O.)

“Now you’re going to get it for flogging me.” Neon confidently whispered to the guy holding the rod

“Ok boys, get them out of there and get Mr. Walters to the chopper so the medics can take a look at him.

Swiftly the soldiers carried Neon out of that tiny shed with a stretcher to the chopper, while the others captured the two criminals.

“Excellent job, agent Neon, I knew I could count on you.” The General proudly complimented Neon for his work.

“Took you a long enough to get me out of that hell, and maybe you could come and save me before the bad guys hurt me.” Neon mischievously requested.

“I’m sorry for the delay. This place wasn’t easy to locate, but that’s enough talking for now what you need to do is get to the hospital and get well.” The general cheerfully demanded.

“Ok see you at the Headquarters chief.” Neon replied as he saluted his C.O. goodbye.

“See you there in a few weeks!” the general replied.

“Ok boys time to clean up this mess and leave.” The general commanded the soldiers.

After two weeks at the Greenville Hospital Neon was fully recovered and was allowed to leave the hospital. So with the doctor’s permission Neon left the hospital. It was a beautiful day at Greenville so he decided to go to the park to get some fresh air and relax until he goes to a new mission halfway around the world again for he was an Intelligence Officer of the Secret Intelligence Service MI6. As he was sitting there on the bench at the center of the park relaxing, he heard a cry for help. He looked around and saw a man robbing a beautiful young lady. He rushed to the scene to save the girl.

“Give the girl her bag and no one gets hurt.” Neon calmly persuaded the bandit holding a dagger in his hand.

“Ok Mr. Nice guy, let’s dance.” The bandit replied getting ready to attack.

“I’m not Mr. Nice guy. I’m your worst nightmare. Neon confidently replied, also getting ready to fight.

“Don’t act so cool boy. I know karate.” The bandit replied trying to scare Neon.

Neon already annoyed with all the bluffing the bandit did so he disarmed him with a fast 45º kick and before the dagger fell on the ground Neon punched him right at the stomach with lightning fast agility, with the combination of Neon’s strength and speed that punch stunned the bandit and he feel to the ground and dropped the lady’s bag.

“You should have taken my advice and nobody would have been hurt.” Said Neon in a cool way

“Oh, thank you Mr. How could I ever repay you?” asked the beautiful girl timidly.

“No need to thank me, I just did what I had to do.” Neon replied

“Are you all right?” The girl anxiously asked

The Lost Files of MI-6: Neon SkyWhere stories live. Discover now