Chapter 1

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Slenderman growls lowly walking out of his mansion as he was once again pissed and was about to rip Jeff to pieces right before everyone's eyes but he didn't surprisingly because sally was there with him. He was mad for sure and if someone was to look closely they could see heat coming off his head but if anyone got that close they wouldn't live much longer.

"I swear I can't stand them much longer, their all to childish for me!" (Anger Management might help) He huffs and runs his long, slender fingers down his faceless face and continues to move his long (Noodle) legs. He was trying to calm himself before his powers would get out of head, his tentacles were already out of hand and going nuts on his back, wanting to rip something apart at the moment really bad.

Before he knew it his powers did just that and teleported to an unknown location.

Slenderman slowly opens his eyes and tries to stand up but hits his head on something mental then looks around. It seemed that he was under a bed, huh strange. He slowly starts to listen and it sounded like someone was crying on the bed, "God I wish I was dead!" says the unknown female voice. He shakes his head confused as he had never heard a human say that, most of them value their lives. He then flinches slightly feeling something hit his face and he smells it easily, it was human blood, 'Where is that coming from' he wonders.

He moves a little more forward so that he could see around the room and sees a mirror across the room. He could see a girl sitting on top of the bed he was under and she had tears streaming down her cheeks with a knife in her hand. He could see what she was doing to herself and couldn't understand why she would be doing that. She had (Long/Medium/Short) hair that was a beautiful (Hair color) and it matched her skin tone, for a human she seemed pretty perfect to him. He then looks back up in the mirror seeing a little black thing walking into the room before realizing that it was a dog.

"Shit I could get discovered" He says softly as the dog starts to sniff around causing him to have to get out. So he takes one quick glance of the girl and teleports out of the room then back to the mansion. He was outside of his room and opens the room before hearing sally yell his name, "Slendy! wait for me!" The little girl yells rushing down to where he was at before stopping right next to him.

"Can I stay in here tonight? Please!" Sally asks giving him the face that melts Slendermans heart before he sighs and opens the door more, "Come on, just don't kick me while your sleeping again" he says as he walks in with her right behind him.

Once she walked in he closed and locked the door so Jeff or Ben could come in and draw on his face again tonight because he would for sure kill this time even if Sally was in the room or not. He turns around seeing Sally already in bed and cuddles her teddy bear close to her chest. He sighs and pulls his tie lose then pulls the top of his tux off and hangs them up then heads over to the bed. He pulls the blanket up and lays next to the small child before looking over to see that she was already asleep.

Slenderman gently kisses sally head before turning off the light and laying down under the covers fully. He wraps his arms around her and pulls her close to make sure she was okay while she slept. He closes his mind down and slowly relaxing before drifting off to sleep for the first time in weeks but he couldn't help himself from thinking about that girl he seen, he wondered if he would ever see her again.

Got the first chapter done thank god, I know its short but I'm proud because I just got out of writers block and needed to get to writing everyday. Also I should be updating this everyone once or twice a week. I have a crazy life that is always changing because of school and my friends pulling me out to do things XD. But thank you for reading, if you got any ideas leave them down below I might add most of them some how. Also please vote and do comment for sure! BYE NOW

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