Forever missing something

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It's just another Sunday yet today everyone in the Welch family has managed to find time free in their calendars to have Sunday dinner. Even Nick is attending today, though Florence suspects that this is only because JJ is about to leave to do another term at uni and Florence is about to set off on the High as Hope tour. Texts have been flooding in all day from Grace reminding Flo that she is to turn up today, she seems to forget that these things are all plugged into Florence's phone and set up with reminders. How else would anything get done? How else would Florence ever manage to turn up to the events that slip her mind frequently?

It doesn't take long to walk but there have also been texts from Evelyn telling Flo she has boxes of old school things and collage work that she wants Florence to take home, so Isa is driving. Imagine if Florence was ever trusted behind the wheel of a car, never mind in the busy streets of subaerial London. It's spring and both girls can't help but keep commenting on the weather, seasonal depression is real and the both are irritated by the lack of creative energy they have had all winter. Isa is still clinging onto her mini that she has had since she learnt to drive. The car she only bought because it had the loudest stereo system she could find. With dark blue outside and black fabric on the inside dirt is never a problem and thus laziness doesn't show itself, embarrassment averted. Florence can't help but think back to when the only thing she had to complain about was the lack of space for sleeping in the back. Now she has to pester about the amount of warning lights that flash every time she gets in, or the distinct smell of weed that never seems to leave the car. Aka Isa going out in the middle of the week to 'the gym' and then ending up with old school mates in car parks at the top of hills.

"Florence stop pulling that face every time you get in the car. It's not even bad plus it's not your car so you don't get an input in this one. Learn to drive." Isa somehow shoots her a smile while being genuinely annoyed about the bluntness of Florence's honesty.

"It's not even about the car this time. You know lying to me that you're going to the gym is pointless when your car smells like this. I always considered you clever."

"Oi you can fuck off." Florence can only laugh at her girlfriends embarrassment, the one who failed to quit the temptation of something different to 'regular' life, whatever that is. "You know that JJ is still not taking to Nick? Could be a somewhat awkward meal." There's nothing left to do but scoff at her little brother protectiveness over the women in his family.

Evelyn is obviously enjoying the time she has now she's dropped quite a few of her lectures. The small inner-city garden she has is blooming with winter flowers that have just reached peak. Not only that but as soon as the door is opened the smell of cinnamon and apple crumble greets the girls. She's been busy. Florence walks in without even a shout of hello, just like coming home from school three hours late. There's no telling where Evelyn is so a search for a vase to put flowers in proceeds shortly followed by victory.

"Coffee you two?" Are the first words of greeting to leave Flo's Mums lips. Everyone else is missing so it's just the three of them for half an hour. Isa gets completely lost in a conversation about flowers and when they need planting. Then it's Florence's turn to get lost in a conversation about the current political situation. (She can't see the need to keep up anymore, she'd rather read articles about the latest art instillations at her favourite museums or the last shows on the runway, not the upper class white men you generally find making the decisions around the world.) Even though she's thirty now she's still lectured about how she should really be up to date with the world around her, or else she'll have missed history in the making. Her Mum's right, as always, but surly getting old is about realising how much of the world has passed you by? How much history has been made in your time?

"Aunty Flo!" There comes the pattering of bare feet along the corridor and the open arms of an unsteady three year old child.

"Bonnie!" Flo screams back just as enthuasticly as she embraces her niece.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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