Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: It has come to my attention that there are mirror sites out there that have taken most of Wattpad's stories and pretending they own the stories. I only ever publish on, Archive of Our Own, and Wattpad. If you ever see a story of mine elsewhere please contact  ©ammelockheart aka  ©Saizo's Little Lady.

Chapter 1:

"Penny have you ever wondered why Starfleet captains--." Sheldon starts.

"No." I don't even bother to look at him and stare at the magazine in my hands. I'm not really reading it, but it's an excuse not to talk to Sheldon.

"Well, now that I've peaked your interest. Welcome to the exciting world of 3D chess."

"Look, why don't you just admit you only want to play this game because you always play with Leonard and you miss him?" I closed the magazine in slight frustration and stared at him.

"You over estimate his significance in my life." Sheldon says playing with a chess piece and then sitting it down.

"Mhm" I turn back to my magazine, expecting him to stay silent now but of course after all, he is Sheldon.

"Do I miss how he makes a face on my toaster waffle with syrup?" He pauses, "...No..." He moves a chess piece on the board again and I just stare at him. "Do I miss the way he fixes the zipper on my jacket when it gets stuck?" another chess piece is moved as he gives one of his gaspy laughs. "I don't think so."

I turned back around to my magazine once again, mentally groaning in my head for him to please be quiet already.




And here we go again....

"Do I miss the way we say goodnight to each other through the walls of our bedrooms using Morse code?"

I almost jump as he starts knocking on the coffee table loudly with his knuckles.

"Okay, I get it, I get it; that you're an emotionless robot." I didn't truly believe it but I knew it would pacify him.

"Well," Sheldon stared off into space as if thinking about something. "I try." He used his pity me tone.

I tried to resist it but as we all know I'm a sucker for Sheldon's pitiful acts. "Alright, let's get this stupid game over with." I threw the magazine down and turned toward the three layer chess game.

His whole demeanor instantly changed and Sheldon straightened instantly. "Great! I'll go first."

I was about to move when he says something else.

"By the way how are you with zippers?" He looks at me seriously.

I try not to blanch. "Why?"

"I really need to go to the bathroom and this zipper has gone all catawampus." He pulls at it to demonstrate.

Please tell me he's not serious...

"Can't you just go change your pants 'Genius'?" I moved a chess piece. I wasn't about to help him.

His face scrunched up slightly as if he were considering it. "Meh, I guess that's not too inconveniencing for me."

"Oh! Bad move!" Sheldon chastised.

"Really why?" I felt bad that I couldn't act unhappy. I wanted this to be over. I was really getting bored with '3D chess'. I rather play the original version over this one.

"My Queen can now take your rook from below." Sheldon points at her mistake.

"So, that means I lose right? It's over!" I tried to smother the excitement in my voice, failing terribly.

Sheldon ignored me and continued his explanation, "If I make this move.... But I won't, because we're having too much fun!" He gives me a smile that's half real and half fake. I'm not sure I've seen him smile like that before. It was unnerving.

"Okay, let's take a break." I really need a drink right now. I can't stop worrying that Leonard's out there cheating on me. Why am I having such a hard time believing in him?

"We're all out of alcohol." Sheldon pipes.

Darn that Whack-a-doodle!

"I wasn't going to go get alcohol..."

He gives me a look.

I groan and sink back down into the chair. I can't win with him.

"I sure wish I knew what Leonard was doing right now. I miss him so much." I thought out loud.

"Well if you like, we could call him." Sheldon grins and then smoothes out his expression and looks away. "Err that I mean that you could call him. As I've explained the absence of my friends does not cause me pain." Here he goes into a rant, "As rock-it-roll bad boy Paul Simon once said, 'I am a rock, I am an Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisland."

I tried not to smile at his blubbering. "I'm calling him."

"OH GOODY! PUT HIM ON SPEAKER PHONE!" Sheldon yelled in excitement.

I tried my best not to jump and laughed. I quickly punch in the number to call him.

The phone rang for a long time and at first I thought he wasn't going to answer but finally I heard static and then...laughter?

I frowned down at my iphone.

Sheldon leaned in closer to the phone with a confused look.

"Hel--," Leonard laughs and he sounds drunker than a skunk, "Lo?"

"Leonard, Hi!" I had a horrible, sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something was definitely wrong.

"Penny," Leonard exclaimed as if surprised I called him.

"How are you?" I asked.

"What?! Leonard all but yelled causing Sheldon to jerk away from the phone slightly.

"I said, how are you doing?" I yelled back, ignoring Sheldon's twitching. He never liked yelling.

"Having the best time in my life, ever!" Leonard laughed loudly into the phone.

A sharp pang shot through me. I felt betrayed by his words. I glanced at Sheldon to see his shocked expression that mirrored mine.

I was about to say something back when a female voiced cooed. "Lenny, get back here. I'm not done with you yet." I heard kissing and then the phone call ended.

I stared at the phone like it was a snake. I was numb...completely numb.

Leonard was having the best time of his life, and he was cheating on me. It was happening all over again. Leonard was Kurt 2.0.

Gosh, Penny. You're starting to sound like Sheldon. Stop it.

I stood up quickly, avoiding looking at Sheldon. I couldn't look at him. I needed to leave before I started crying.

"Penny." Sheldon started as I dropped my phone onto the floor and fled Apartment 4A.

I raced out of the apartment, slamming the door to Sheldon and Leonard's apartment and collapsed behind my apartment door.

Then the waterworks began.

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