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One Vision of Many

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One Vision of Many

"Once upon a midnight dreary while I pondered weak and weary..."

-Poe, *The Raven*

Falling, falling from the sky. Floating intricately as she glides slowly to the earth below all she can see are her toes with her blanket working as her parachute. There is nothing but miles and miles of pitch black, disorienting darkness. It's as if the world has swallowed her up. A pinprick of light begins to enter the darkness. Her eyes adjust and she begins to look around her. Wait what in the other world is that thing?

A massive huge purple reptile comes into view. As she passes him he is boringly chewing on his leafy green dinner and continues to mind his own business. Splash! huck! She spurts clear blue-green saltwater out her mouth and nose. It burns like fire. She sees something glinting off the extra-large plesiosaur. Is that a collar? She paddles like a dog to shore and as the thick frothy waves crash behind her she pulls herself on the pale cream sand-covered bank; exhausted she takes a deep breath of the crisp refreshing ocean air and digs her toes in the sand loving how the sand squelches in between them and wonders where is everyone else?

Her eyes adjust to the glaring sunlight reflecting off the open ocean and she sees more clearly that the reptile is a huge scaly shimmering dino, matching the dino are the rounded edges of the world glinting in the sunlight. She also gazes upon vast miles upon miles of continuous ocean, taking deep breaths to calm herself; she focuses on the sounds of the ocean spray and turns around to see a webbed forest. After running a full lap around the island she believes she is the only one here. She sees that the beach runs the perimeter of the island and evenly spaced around the island are paths leading into the forest.

The forest is a bit more daunting; not only thickly dense in trees and vegetation but also nearly covering all the spaces in between are enormous white clouds of silken webbing containing massive amounts of 8 hairy-legged, beady-eyed arachnids(spiders) bodies sparsely coated in starless night fur sprinkled with hot pink spots. They looked like someone had missed the canvas and painted them with spray paint.

Something ginormous begins to rise from depths of the salty waters; there was absolutely no way Beth Wolfaery was going to be on the salty shores when that thing surfaced. Some things are just better left unknown. Into the forest, she went forgetting about the sticky webs. They began to collect on her face, arms, and legs. As she was pulling the sticky stringy mess off her face without paying attention to where she was headed. She tripped and flopped into a web that alerted all the spiders nearby who landed near her in attack mode with raised tarsal claws crab-walking side to side as if ready for a boxing match.

Using her all creatures mind link or apantomancy (A divination ability that allows the user who hones the skill to call upon and converse with animals.) She attempted to ask the arachnids to stop. Only to find that she hadn't mastered their clickety clackety language. She calls the birds for help. The spiders click their claws and begin drooling down their glistening fangs; they begin moving closer. She turns her face and closes her eyes tight waiting for the piercing of hundreds of venomous bites. There is a rustling in the leaves above her. The web begins to sway and bounce. The forest falls to absolute silence. So quiet you could hear a feather gliding down to the forest floor. Beth breaks out into a cold sweat. What she wondered could be worse than these spiders. Had she only been saved to become something else's meal? The web slowly begins to spring back into place and becomes still. Beth opens her eyes that were squeezed shut in fear and anticipation.

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