Getting up early enough to get the bus was important.. vital to Peanut. It meant reaching to work early and having time to relax before the place went from being a ghost town to a busy highway. 5:00 am was the slap in the face to get up and get out of bed. Say hi to Papa, make breakfast, bathe and out of the door by 6:00 am, in time to get picked up by 6:30 am.
Peanut sat up front since she was the first to drop off on route. She wasn't one for making small talk. Greetings and thank you was the most she said. Five days a week.. she repeated.
After a month, the driver knew where to drop her off. He even stopped for her at a particular spot.. where she always stood.
Cloudy mornings.. she was not forgotten.
You could even say she had her name on a particular seat.
Unseen by all..
Kept in mind by one particular gentleman. He would open the door for her.. step out.. since she sat next to him even morning.
Silence.. a slight smile was all that exchanged between them.
After three months..
One morning.. on the bus heading to work..
For the first time in years.. Peanut painted her nails.. navy blue. Hands on her lap, holding onto her bag.. drifting off in thoughts.. minding her own business as always.. she felt a warm hold. Her hand.. viewing her childish artwork.. he held her fingers in him pam. Startled.. she turned.. looking at that.. looking at him..
Peanut smirked at him.. gently pulling out of his warmth.
Mornings cold.. mostly..
He smiled.. silently..
Just for them.
Peanut thought.. he was aware of her slight change..
Did he scan her from top to bottom.. been..
No one else said or reacted any differently..
Like Egypt pyramids.
His hands weren't smooth or rough..
Cooked well.
She felt his touch long after the bus stopped.. after she got off.. looking at him as the bus drove away. He was gentle.. his approach..
Exchanging smiles..
It was all she could think about at that moment walking away.. through the gates of the building she worked in.
She never really understood what it was.. she felt.
At her desk..
Eating the breakfast she always brought from home..
She replayed the whole scenario in her head..
Peanut ate, drank her tea and started her work as the clock said.. Time.
During the day..
After work..
At home..
He was on her mind..
Trying to understand why.
She even dreamt of it.. him.