Lance freaks out

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Lance: Keith wait up!
Keith: h-huh ?!?
Keith: *turns around*
Keith: *thinks**oh, it's just stupid Lance*
Lance: *is trying to catch up with Keith*
Keith: what do you want Lance?
Lance: *thinks**RuDe much ?!?*
Lance: meet me in the training room at 7pm tonight
Lance: *yEeTs to his room*
Keith: w-whaaaaaa ?!?
Keith: o k a y   t h e n ?!?
Keith: *goes to his room*
Lance: *is in his dorm room panicking then phones Pidge*
Lance: come on!  Pick up! Pick up! Pick up!
Pidge: *picks up*
Lance: Pidge! Thank god you picked up!
Pidge: well hello to you too Lance.
Pidge: what's up?
Lance: can you please come over to my dorm room now, I need some help and I'll explain when you get here pleaseeee !?!
Pidge: okay, I'll be there in about five minutes. Cya soon. And try to calm down with whatever is wrong.
Lance: cya
Lance: *hangs up*
Pidge: b-bye to you too then Lance 😑
Pidge: *is on his way to Lance's dorm room
Lance: *is in his bedroom trying to find an outfit that looks decent enough without going overboard*
Pidge: *is almost at Lance's dorm room*
Lance: *is panicking about what to wear*
Lance: ugh!!! Why is this so difficult!?!
Lance: where's Pidge!?!
Pidge: *knocks on Lance's dorm room door*
Lance: COME IN
Pidge: *walks in on Lance panicking in a heap of random clothes*
Pidge: Lance, what are you doing?
Lance: I'm panicking, that's what I'm doing!
Pidge: and why are you panicking exactly?
Lance: I'm panicking because I asked Keith to go to the training room at 7pm tonight then I yeeted away and I don't know what to wear!
Pidge: *thinks**i knew this would happen eventually 😏
mah shipppppppppp !!!!!!!!!!!! 😁*
Pidge: but why did you phone me of all paladins?
Pidge: you could've phoned Alora, she would've been more help than me.
Pidge: but I'll help you the best I can.
Pidge: I could phone Alora if you want her to help you.
Pidge: would you like me to phone Alora to see if she can help you more?
Pidge: And so you'll stop panicking as much?
Lance: heh? Y-yes p-pweaseeee Pidge? Thank you so much!
Pidge: okay, I'll phone Alora and you can try to get out of that heap of random clothes.
Lance: *laughs a tiny bit then tries to get out the sea of random clothes that are completely surrounding him*
Pidge: *phones Alora*
Lance: *is so exhausted from climbing out of the sea of random clothes and is now laying on the floor beside his bed still panicking*
Alora: hello?
Pidge: hello Alora. Could you please come to Lance's dorm room and we'll explain when you get here, pleaseeee?
Alora: okay Pidge. I'll be soon.
Pidge: thanks, cya soon.
Alora: byeee
Pidge: *hangs up*
Lance: is Alora coming!?!
Pidge: yes Lance, she's on her way now.
Lance: phew~!  *panics a bit less*
Pidge: I'm gonna try to start sorting out this giant sea of random clothes while we wait for Alora to come over.
Lance: o-okay
Lance: t-thanks Pidge
Pidge: and for Voltron's sake, try to calm down.
Lance: heh
Pidge: *tries to start sorting out the sea of random clothes*
Lance: imma go make some coffee while we wait for Alora coming and while you are trying to sort out my mess, want some?
Lance: *gets up and starts to walk over to the kitchen in his dorm room to make some coffee*
Lance: want some coffee Pidge?
Pidge: sure Lance. One sugar please!
Lance: okay!
Lance: *starts making the coffee*
Alora: *knocks on Lance's dorm room door*
Pidge: I'll get it!
Lance: okay!
Lance: also the coffee is ready now!
Pidge: okay, thanks Lance.
Pidge: *opens Lance's dorm room door to let Alora in*
Pidge: h-
Alora: what's wrong Lance!?!
Alora: *ignores that Pidge is standing right at the door and goes over to Lance*
Pidge: -hi
Pidge: *thinks**seriously, what is wrong with everyone today?!? Don't people know what manners are!?!*

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