The Terrible Day

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My life is full of.... Nothing. I was playing in the front yard and I heard a growl coming from the forest. I turn around and I see a rouge wolf.

My father comes and sees the wolf. The wolf comes to attack me but my father stepped in and knocked the wolf back and pins him down. More rouge wolves show up.

My mother comes out and screams for me to get inside. When I turn towards the house I see a wolf face to face with me growling. The wolf goes to attack me but my mother gets in the way and dies instantly.

My father growls louder then the wolves and screams trying to face off against the wolves. Sadly the wolves get the better of him.

My pack comes later as the rouge wolves vanished and all they see is me on my knees hands covered in blood. My parents were a well respected pair of wolves and the pack blames me for their deaths. My own brother's blame me and they beat me that day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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