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 © 2014 by Gabriela Roasles All rights reserved. 




                "STOP!" I screeched in my fit of laughter, "Haiden please sto-op." Getting the words past my lips seemed almost impossible as Haiden continued to assault my rib cage with his fingers. Finally after my laughter stopped coming out (you know like when you laugh so hard and no sounds coming out and your basically not breathing?) he stopped his horrible attack on my sides and let me rest against the side of the passenger car door.

His face was flushed as a chuckle escaped his lips, "your adorable when you're about to pass out from no air did you know that?" He laughed louder when I glared at him in return. Dick.

"Yeah I probably look so sexy laughing with no noise." I said sarcastically, "you do actually look really good right now, your face is pink from all the laughing. I like it." Haiden said staring at me with a look of admiration, I couldn't help the flush of my cheeks from the look he was giving me.

"You look like you want to eat me" I said bluntly, obviously all that laughing killed a few brain cells.

"I do." Haiden replied without hesitation, my eyes widened at that. That took a turn down an alley really fast.

But with the few dead brain cells now I guess a very blunt side of me had appeared.

"Then do it."  I said with a smirk, getting to my knees and crawling over the dash board of his car I placed myself in his lap, straddling him. He grabbed at my butt with his hands pulling me even closer than I thought possible, grinding himself on me making a soft moan come from my parted lips. Grabbing the collar of his shirt I brought him to me where our lips met in passionate frenzy. Love. It radiated from us, from the kiss we were currently sharing, I loved this man with all my heart and from the way he kissed me back I knew he felt exactly the same if not more then what I felt towards him.

Haiden put his hand on the base of my neck bringing me closer to him while he licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, and while I was thinking about teasing him I couldn't stop the small gasp I made as he grinded against me, causing me to open my mouth for him in return.

Why I wanted to attempt to tease him, I don't know, but I know I will never do that again.

His tongue explored my mouth in a way that caused shivers to run down my back, moaning loudly I quickly unzipped his jacket while we both attempted to pull it off him. Breaking the kiss apart to get some air he threw his jacket to the backseat and tore off his shirt just as fast, I couldn't help but admire him. His body wasn't sculpted by the big G per say but a close Jesus for sure. Running my hands along his abs he moved me so he could kiss up my neck to my lips pecking them once before grinning, "Your turn." Before I could realize what he meant he had my arms in the air while taking my shirt off of me.

He groaned loudly at the sight of me in my bra, putting his hands to where the clasp of my bra was he pushed me back down so our lips reconnected in a heated kiss. Haiden slowly did one clasp at a time, teasingly.

But he never got to the last one.

Just as he was about to fully remove my bra the car was crashed by another speeding car, hitting the rear end I felt Haiden hold on to me tightly as the car pushed forward so fast I could've gotten whiplash. The breaking of glass was mixed with our screams as the car stared to roll.  

"Sierra", Haiden mumbled as I slipped out of his arms. Rolling onto broken glass and onto the road where I assumed the windshield was I let out at cry of pain causing Haiden to call out my name again, only this time worry was laced through his words. "Sierra are you okay? Sierra?", but I couldn't answer. The pain was unbearable and all I wanted to do was sleep.

I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, and as I slowly started to accept the comfort of the darkness, letting the nearby sirens assure me that I'd be fine, I heard the one voice that let me rest peacefully before darkness consumed me. "Sierra baby please just tell me you're ok." He pleaded softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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