Jamie's POV
Ahh, school. The joys of getting up really early in the morning, getting ready and going to school. Not fun at all. But, there are things to look forward to... Like meeting back up with my friends! Oh how I love seeing my friends, especially my best bud Alex! We've known each other our whole lives. We were born within the space of a week together! But the best thing is - Alex is my only real directioner friend. All my other close friends claim they are directioners, but I know they aren't, because they get fed up of me talking about them. How?!
Snap. I went into daydream again. I always do so, it's really annoying, although the daydreams are really fascinating. I have the most vivid daydreams in the world, and I know Alex can relate because we're like twins. Always at each other's houses! Ya see, the thing I love about Alex is that I know he's a directioner, but he's also my guy best friend - who happens to be bisexual! Nothing wrong with being bi, I love him just the way he is. He's so helpful with hair and clothes, and he's never awkward around me. We know exactly what to talk about all the time, but it's mainly One Direction. Alex is the bestest friend I could ever have. See, when I was about 2 my mum had walked out on me, leaving me with my dad and my big sis. So dad had to look after my big sis Mia and he'd send me to Alex's house instead of nursery, and we'd have the best play dates ever. We got close as we grew older and now we're just so close, you would think we're dating.
On the subject of Mia and my dad, we aren't very close. Since I'm already 16 and Mia is 3 years older than me - which makes her 19 - Mia has moved out of the house. I never thought she'd move away so early... But she did. I don't see her often apart from when she comes round every so often to get food out of the fridge or wine that she can't afford herself. Dad gets mad at her about this, so he's always having arguments with her. I'm only sane because of my laptop and music and One Direction, although dad gets annoyed with me because I'm always on my laptop.
I love dad, honestly I do. But he just seems so spaced out a lot and he drinks and smokes, I think it's disgusting and it's really bad for his health. I want him to stop. I know he won't live forever, nobody does, but dad's life is going to end soon if he doesn't improve this. I'm really scared to lose him, but he doesn't seem bothered at all and actually tells me to smoke or drink. Drink? Maybe, once in a while... But smoke? Never.
SNAP! AGAIN! I keep going off subject. I need to get ready... I'll be late otherwise. Need to get ready and dash to Alex's so... Yep. Okay. Kiss the boys goodbye!
"Yes madam" The whole class chorused. It was annoying. Everytime someone talked, the stupid teacher would make up stand up and we'd have to listen to a lecture about some random crap and then we'd have to say 'yes madam' or we get put in detention. Unfair, right?
"Hey, Alex. Do you know what the password is to the wifi system in school?" I pulled my phone out. If we got caught (which nobody ever did because all the teachers here are blind bats) we'd have a full week's worth of detention, but I was always careful anyway.
"Yeah babe, it's wp29ir7v. Having fun there?" Alex winked. He always called me babe, I always called him boo. It's weird, we don't call anyone else that. But you know, it's a boy/girl best-friendship and not a lovey-dovey relationship. We have kept it up for years now!
"Thanks boo." I typed in the code and waited. Gosh the wifi was so slow in the school! I quickly went into my twitter app to find that I had gained like 200 followers! Awesome! I then looked on my timeline and saw that Zayn tweeted - 'Hey guys!x' the rare time he tweets. Aha... "Hey boo! Zayn tweeted!"
"Has Louis tweeted?" Alex asked. I knew he'd had a soft spot for Louis, that's why I call him boo.
"Nope, sorry to disappoint you there." I replied.
"Aww, Jamieeee!! Will he ever tweet me?" Alex always bugs me about Louis. I don't blame him though, I bug him back about Zayn! We know our love for each other is very deep indeed.
A/N: Guys thanks for reading this first part! Too long? Too short? Please tell me, and I'll try to improve;D ♥