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"There I am, riding down the hallways of the house on my tricycle. My hair in those same pigtails just with different colours... the sound of the wheels on the wooden floors and nothing else. But something tells me to stop, once I turn down a certain hallway.. a room. A room my father warned me numerous of times never to go in. A room, he said, that claimed my mother and killed her. But.... it was call for me..."

"That's enough, Nikki. You can wake up." Instructed the hypnotherapist, snapping his fingers and waking Nikki from her hypnotized slumber.

"What... what did I speak about now?" She questioned as she slowly met his eyes.

The male didn't seen altogether happy with what she had said. He simply shook his head before rising and leaning over his desk to schedule another appointment for her.

"We are getting there... I guess. Can I ask why you wanted to come here and dig into the memories you shut out of your mind, Ms. Beldon."

"I guess.... I'm curious as to why I shut that part of my childhood out. I honestly dont remember anything." She spoke in her normal, soft and gentle tone, her gray and blue eyes looking down at the ground.

This was the 4th appointment and the therapist found they were going nowhere. But to her they were going further than any other therapist could.

Taking the card from the males hand, Nikki picked her bag up and slung it over her shoulders.

"Nikki, make sure you take your sleeping medication." He reminded her as she nodded and left with a small wave.

As soon as she exited and felt the Spring breeze on her pale skin, she turned to her right, away from the parking lot. She disliked driving unless it was needed. She preferred to walk everywhere; a trait she got from her mother.

Pulling her headset from the bag that hung just above her hip, she connected the device to her phone and turned on her favourite pod cast; one about serial killers. For some reason she enjoyed this kind of thing, learning about how the minds of these people work always made her curious.

As she listened to the voices and observed her surroundings, she suddenly felt a shiver run down her spin as if someone were watching her, a feeling she hated.

Turning her head slightly, Nikki caught a glimpse of who it was. Not liking how he looked at her, she made her way to the closest crowded area; a supermarket. Slipping into the doors behind a group of teenagers who were talking and laughing loudly, she easily blended in and lost the person following her; But she stayed a little longer to make sure.

After what seemed like forever, she finally made her way out and ran face to face with the person who simply looked down at her as if she were food. She watched as the person reached for her.

"Nikki!!" She heard as she jolted forward from her bed. Her eyes wide and her skin cold and clamy.

"Another nightmare?" Whispered her neighbor who looked at her with concerned eyes.

"I'm Fine, Cally. Did David send you?" she asked as she rose slowly, grabbing the closest hair tie and pulling her messy, curly hair back into a messy bun.

"No, I heard whimpering from the hall.." she heard her neighbor say as she followed Nikki around her studio apartment.

"Well, you can go now. Thank you." Was all Nikki said as she held the door for the smaller women, who simply had a sad look on her face.

Once the door was shut and locked, Nikki sighed and rubbed her face before shaking her head and making her way towards the bathroom where she would start her day.

She turned the warm water on and let it fill her bathtub, dropping her rose scented bath bomb and some bath salts into the water to help her relax her tense muscles. This was a regular for her.

Once she was imerged into the water, she closed her eyes and tried to recall the nightmare she had, but was met with a blank mind. This too, was an everyday thing for her. It frustrated her, she never understood why she could never remember...

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