Chapter 16

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Jens POV

When I woke up I was laying in my bed at the rental resort house. It was 2:00 AM which meant that I had slept for about 11 hours. I yawned and stretched, then I got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. My mom was talking with my dad and I knew it was a bad idea, but I listened in.

"Franklin, I just dont think its a good idea to stay here. With everything that is going on here all Jen needs is to be around publicity." my mom said.

"And you think back in Guthrie its any better? Its worse there!" He snapped and then sighed, "I'm sorry Ash. I shouldnt have snapped at you, I'm stressed. But arent we all?"

"Yes, Franklin we are all stressed. But do you really think its a good idea to be in a foreign country right now? It was a good idea to get out of American soil at that moment but now with Grant out of jail and this Ashton boys family going missing." There was a pause while she was speaking and before I had the time to figure out why there was this pause I heard a loud sound of glass breaking in the kitchen. I didnt dare move because I knew they were reaching the climax of the argument.

"Jesus! Trouble just finds us everywhere! We cant have one damn break! It started with Nina then Lizzy and having Jennifers own boyfriend being the possible murderer of the only other daughter we had. Why cant we just have a break Franklin? I know this isnt fair of me but you should belong in that list too! You just had to run off with that woman! Now this Ashton boy and his family gone, are we cursed or something? I dont believe in the supernatural but I'll start if its the reason this happened to us all! I'll even begin going to church if it means this could all end and we could have the child that WE had together." She emphasized the 'we' which was weird and I was about to go into the kitchen and ask what was going on when my dad started speaking.

"Ashley Habbay, Jennifer is no less our daughter than Elizabeth was. YOU may not have given birth to her but somebody in your kin did and you allowed them too. YOU must take responsibility and YOU have to act like a mother because you are one! No matter what I've done it the past I love you with all my heart and I was a stupid foolish man to have had an affair with her! Marissa Levy is no longer in my life, but why bring her into this right now. We should stay here because no matter where we go the death of our daughter will follow us, we cannot run away from it. At least we have the consolation of knowing we have another daughter and we will keep her protected from harms way." He said firmly. I heard my mom sobbing and when what my dad had said fully clicked in my head tears rolled down my cheeks.

My heart broke for the third or fourth time this year alone, because I had been lied to my whole life. 1) My fathers affair with that woman. 2) Liz's death. 3) Grants betrayal and 4)Finding out that I was not my parents real daughter.

Without thinking I stepped into the kitchen with tears in my eyes and sobs stuck in my chest. The room was a mess because glass was shattered and the table out of place, but none of it mattered. When my parents saw that I had overheard their conversation my mom opened her mouth as if she were going to say something and then shut it.

That was like a slap in the face and I turned around and strode towards the front door. My dad called for me but I was already running outside, not knowing where I was going, but just running.

My heart pounded and sweat ran down my face and anywhere else sweat can run down. My calfs throbbed from running, but I kept going. I imagine my parents called the Bahama police by now so I wouldnt get much further but I needed to run so that it wouldn't burst out of me.

The emotions I felt piled high up in me and ran a very long list. I was confused, tired, angry, sad, hurt, and much more. Although in the list happy was not among them.

Soon I heard the sirens blaring behind me and I stopped to catch my breath waiting for the police car to pull up beside me, which it did. The officer rolled down the front window and looked at me with a saddened expression on his face.

"Jennifer Habbay?" He said with a thick Bahaman accent.

I nodded and walked to the opposite side of the car getting in the front seat. As soon as I hit the seat I felt the intense pain in my knee, remembering the specific way I had tripped and twisted my knee, although I kept running. I had probably damaged my MCL and would need a surgery to repair it, but I didnt care. I cried, I cried because of the betrayal I felt at what I had learned from my parents. I cried because of Liz's death. I cried because Grant had me fooled throughout our whole entire relationship. Then I cried for Ashton.

I had no tears left and even if I did, they wouldnt have come. I had run out of things to cry for. I had run out of emotions to feel for myself and others. I just wanted to sleep. I wanted to lay my head on a soft pillow and close my eyes and see the darkness that brought on. I wanted to dream of a beautiful waterfall and me and Ashton swimming in it together with puppies and bunnies and flowers. Thats all I wanted.

I remembered something my dad had said right before I was going to give in to the sleep that wanted so badly to overcome me. It woke me up again and my head reeled. Emotions poured into me, happy and sad, because I remembered all the wonderful times my family and I had had together. The fact that my dad had loved me as his own daughter even though I wasnt, but Liz was. So if I wasnt my mother and fathers daughter but I was of kin to my mother that could only mean one thing. My Aunt Nina was no aunt. She was my mother, unless my mom has some other sibling I didnt know of.

Just on cue to my conclusion we reached the police station and my mother and father ran out both with tears streaming down their faces as soon as they saw me. My mom ran towards the car and enveloped me in an enormous hug and I gently hugged her back and then pushed off and ignored my dad and filed into the police station.

When we pulled in I had seen the one person I was hoping to see and I needed to see. I walked over to him and sat in the seat next to his. We just sat there, not looking at each other both of us with no tears left. And both of us content with just the presence of the other, needing nothing else.

I felt his hand reach over and touch mine and that was all I needed, I turned to him as he turned to me and we hugged each other. It was a hug that held so much emotion, emotion that raged through both of us. I didnt know where my mom and dad were and to be honest in that moment I didnt care. All that mattered was hugging him. Ashton Booker.

We both pulled away at the same time and just held hands and looked at the floor.

I felt my mom and dads presence sitting beside me and taking my other hand, but I didnt need that hand. I didnt care about that hand. All I could think about was how right it felt to be holding Ashtons hand. It wasnt something of a couples hand holding, although I could feel in my heart he was the one I was supposed to be with.

A/N: Soooooo what do ya think??? This chapter was really about emotion. She finally knows that Franklin and Ashley arent her real parents. I think this is my favorite chapter so far. Vomment! Vote and Comment! Fan me if you like what I do. Write on my message board for suggestions or what you think is going to happen and who is behind the murder and the kidnapping. LOVE YOU ALLLLLL!

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