The Seven Deadly Sins

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Emma roses POV: January 14th 2029,  I live in a small town Granville, Village. I'm a 22 year old college girl. Me and my boyfriend have been together for six years. I really hope he proposes soon but God only if he actually would or not because I know he isn't ready for marriage or kids or anything that deals with taking our relationship to the next level. One day everything changed, it was date night, I went over to his house to see if you wanted to watch a movie, I knocked on his door...... A girl came to the door in his shirt and in her underwear and he calls " Babe who is that at the door?". He come to the door to see me with movies in my hand and holding back my tears. " how could you... I thought you were loyal but I guess not..." I set the movies on the porch and I turned around and headed to my car. He runs to my car and says he is sorry and I get out and I grab my knife and I tell " get out of my face you cheating jerk!!" I get back in my car and drive off before I do anything I would regret. The next two days I'll start eating junk food, ice cream, cake, pizza, etc. It became a habit I had to eat my feelings. It was like a reflex, a feeling something I needed to do to be happy. But you see that's the thing, I ate so much it became a drug. I never thought they eating would make you have a really bad headache. But this day I ate so much that it made me pass out and when I woke up I didn't feel like myself, I woke up feeling...... Powerful...... The feeling of how a God would feel... an evil feeling. I soon got the audacityTo leave my house and when I got to my car I looked in the window. I see I'm not me anymore... I'm a pink girl with sprinkles as my freckles and cotton candy hair with the color of black mold and strawberry tips. My eyes are purplish red candy drop. I scream and my neighbor comes running over to see what was wrong. I yell " IM PINK!  IM PINK!!"  She grabs my hands and say "sweetie, your peach color, why do you say your pink? I know your still heart broken from what happened with your ex but it doesn't mean you should start drinking!" I look at her like she is crazy and I say " I'm not drinking Karen! I'm really pink can you not see it!" My neighbors says "honey do you want me to call a doctor?" I gave her a funny look and then I say "maybe you're right I should stop eating a lot of junk food because that's probably why I'm seeing things" after what it seemed a century me and my neighbors fun talk soon came to an end. I got into my car and I herd a voice saying " FFFFOOOOODDD" I turned to look over to see me in the window talking when I was not talking. The voice then says "  HELLO, EMMA IM GLUTTONY AND IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE."  Once she said that I think of all the things that I did over those two days of all the food I have eaten and I think of the pain that I have been through and I say " you can stay as long as you want". I turn on my car and leave to go to the store to get food and junk food and candy and everything that sounded good to me and gluttony. Over the time it felt like me and gluten he have grew a bond as if it was me. Two months into being letting his host she tells me that she is one of the seven deadly sins, and seven girls will have been chosen to fulfill the rules of them. But the only problem was neither of us knew who we were. Until we watch

Six females found to have a special abilities which mimic the seven deadly sins
Who is the seventh?
If you know who these girls are and tell us what happened you will win  $100,000!

Watching the news, I freak out when I hear that they found the other girls but they are in different states. "I don't think they were let me see those girls because they are being tested on" I say to gluttony.  " WHATEVER IT TAKES, I NEED TO FIND MY SISTERS!!" When she said that it made me think of my "sisters" My best friends one of them with Samarah Jackson, But she was always yelling at people ever since her parents got a divorce. That is the thing that probably would make her be a great sister to gluttony but I highly doubt that she would be one of the six. "Well gottony let's go find your sisters do you know where Any of them live according to the news?" Gluttony getting happy says " YAY LETS GO FIND WRATH FIRST SHE LIVES IN WEST WOOD VIRGINIA". Once gluttony said that we got ready to leave we packed a suitcase just of junk food and then another with just my clothing we set the GPS to Westwood Virginia. ON OUR WAY TO FIND OUR SISTER WRATH!!!

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