part 1

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                                                        chapter 1

How many pimps can a pimpchuck chuck if a pimpchuck could chuck pimps? This is a common saying among the pimps. You see, what it really means is, how many homies could a fake homie back stab? The answer is 1-7 at the least. These fake homies formed the simps, a group of homies who back stabbed the real ones for women that will never love them and aren't worth their attention. Some call simpism a dangerous pandemic. The simps call it being "nice to women". There is a fine line between being nice to women and "simping". The simps will just never realize.

                                                                                        chaper 2

"Did you hear about the sudden outbreak?" said Tucker to his army, AHM. "Yes sir, it must be really bad," replied Angst. "It is," added Rightone, "Simpism is way more dangerous than it may seem." "It looks like we need more members," suggested Goodline. "Great idea," said Tucker, "Another problem is that some of these simps are getting girlfriends!" "You know," said Davee, "There's an old saying. A simp can get a thot whilst a pimp can get a keeper."

        chaprter 3

"Cybervin, what did you hear at the meeting?" asked Lolkid. Cybervin was nervous. He wanted to be apart of AHM, but he sold his soul to Lolkid for food. "Uhhhh, I-I hear they w-were talking about th-the outbreak sir," he blurted out. "What outbreak!?" Lolkid boomed. "Th-they consider us a p-pandemic sir," Lolkid grew furious. "Those incels do not know a thing!" he screamed. Tears rolled down Lolkid's eyes, as simps are as fragile as snowflakes on the surface of the sun.

                                                                                                                       chaptr 4!!

"Ooh ah," said Mr. Chimp. "Bonjooh ooh," replied Chimpe, who is french. "Ahhhh ahhh!!" Chimpson screamed, clearly upset. "Ah ooh ooh," said Mr. Chimp, trying to comfort Chimpson. Luckily, Chimpson calmed down. Right at that moment, Chimpury stormed into the conference room. Chimpury may not be able to talk, but he can sign. He signed that a war between the simps and the pimps was very likely. "Ooh ooh, ah?" questioned Mr. Chimp. Chimpury signed that they should team with the pimps. All chimps agreed.

                                                                             chapeter 5

Char was sent to go declare war to the pimps. Char was very nervous, worrying that the pimps would insult him. He arrived at the AHM castle. The pimps had recruited many new members into AHM. Char nervously knocked on the door. Aure opened it. "What do you want, nerd?" Aure said. A single tear rolled down Char's cheek. "I-I come on behalf of the simps. We-we declare war on you." Aure burst out in laughter. He called the other AHM members. Pretty soon, everybody in AHM was hysterically laughing at the thought of simps trying to fight. "Okay then buddy," Stonk said, still giggling. Char ran away. Once he got to the simp HQ, he sprinted to his room and bawled.

                                                                               chapter 6

Chimpury slammed a newspaper on the conference table. "Simps and Pimps at War: Possible World War 3?" "Oooh ah!" exclaimed Mr. Chimp. Chimpury signed that the first battle was at the RMH Hangout. The chimps all went to bed to rest for tomorrow.

                       chapter 7

The simps and thots were at one side of the map. The pimps and chimps had a much bigger army on the other side of the map. Both leaders stepped one step forward. Ewan fires a blank gunshot into the air signaling to start firing. However, the gunshot scared the simps so bad they all ran away. The pimps celebrated their victory.

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